[A] Druids of the Pack (RP Guild)

Looking for players interested in being a founding member of "Druids of the Pack". Being a founding member, you will have a great deal of influence as to what the guild will be like, as well as the backstory of the guild. Basic idea so far:

A sort of "revival" of the original Druids of the Pack... Gilneans who practice Druidism since the fall of the Great Wall. Striving to further their power of the Druidic art, as well as their curse, which go hand in hand. Working to gain acceptance among the other Druid Clans of Azeroth.

I'm very open to other ideas and opinions at this point. Considered making it a druid-only guild, but... To some extent, all Gilneans are Druids. So, like I mentioned earlier, lots of room for you to influence the guild.

If you're interested, please send an in-game mail or a whisper to Rambrick.
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86 Troll Shaman
Actually, I might have a character concept that'd fit right into this.

I've been toying with the idea of making a Druid of the Scythe character: a night elf who gave into the curse, and has recently been redeemed like the worgen. Ingame, there would be a worgen version and a night elf version of character. The night elf would be the druid, and the worgen would be a hunter (with his love of wolves prior to giving into the curse, he belonged to a pack--old RP backstory tied in there, that I came up and RPed years before worgen became playable).

Anyhow, if that interests you, give me a hollar! I can be contacted ingame or here. My main Alliance alt is Dustwing.
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