[A] RP Event: Noblegarden Dinner Party

This Noblegarden, for the first time ever, The Company of the Wolf will be opening their base of operations in Surwich, Blasted Lands, to the public.
To celebrate bunnies and booze, of course!
This party invitation is going out to everyone, so, bring your friends.

There will be games, and dueling, with great prizes up for grabs!
Dinner and drinks will be served, and the Wolves are reaching deep into their frankly humongous stores of alcohol to ensure all guests will be pleasantly sozzled throughout the evening.

Come dressed in your sturdiest armor or best clothes (although formal wear is not necessary), and prepare yourself for a night of unadulterated fun like only The Company of the Wolf can plan!

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1. Cocktail Reception
Note: Those who would like to participate in the raffle at the end of the evening, please give your names to the bunny-eared Wolves during the Cocktail Reception.
Pandaren Noodle Soup

Gilnean Apple Brandy
Dalaran White, Grigio

Non-Alcoholic Drinks:
Sweet Nectar
Morning Glory Dew

2. Dinner
Citrus-Roasted Boar
Sugar-Crusted Grilled Daggermaw
Assorted Seafood Selection
Assorted Roasts Selection

Drink List:
Dalaran Red: Chardonnay
Dalaran Red: Noir
Refreshing Spring Water

3. Mini-games
A quick couple of games, with prizes going to the champions!

Tonk Wars
Dueling Showdown

4. Drunken Egg Hunt
The main event of the evening! A strider is up for grabs, as well as a few consolation prizes.

Alcohol Choices:
Darkbrew Lager
*Dragon P.I.E.
*Darkmoon P.I.E.

*Subject to availability.

5. Raffle
Because we love you, we're giving away even more prizes--everyone who entered their name during the Cocktail Reception stands a chance!

6. Probably Complete Chaos
This is the afterparty.
Nothing is set in stone, but you can be sure things will get just as weird as they are fun.

The Company of the Wolf will not take responsibility for any drunken screaming, crying, rambling, fighting, or subsequent falling into the lake and drowning that results from imbibing way too much at this time of the night. --Although we will try to make sure you get home in one piece.

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OOC Information

Event Type: Open
Time: 10.00pm server time, til late.
Location: Surwich, Blasted Lands, Eastern Kingdoms.
NOTE: Surwich is phased for higher level toons. Please speak to the NPC Zidormi ( http://www.wowhead.com/npc=88206/zidormi#map ), to phase into the correct instance.
Prizes: One mount, and an assortment of pets.

Other Information:
1. If you have not yet gotten an in-game calendar invite, please contact me with the name of the toon you will be attending on. The GM of The Company of the Wolf will invite you.
1. You may spy eggs lying about at some point... This is for our Drunken Egg Hunt! To keep everything fair, please, please do not loot the eggs until the game has begun, which will be announced by the Wolf emceeing that particular game. Breaking this rule will result in instant disqualification.
2. If you wish to take part in the PvP dueling, ensure your toon wears their best PvP gear! We will try to match you with someone else closest to your iLevel.
Edited by Akaali on 3/31/2016 6:03 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Thanks for posting and hosting a server event! As for eggs, Templars used to do small Noblegarden events years ago. Someone would hide the eggs literally right beforehand. You'll need quite a few characters/alts to get enough eggs. Drop me a line if you need anything from a prize standpoint. I have a gbank from the Harbor Market packed full of goodies that I'd like to see put to good use!
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