To the horde on our server...

100 Dwarf Hunter
Greetings horde players of Cenarion Circle. I am an alliance hunter named Flaya and wish to ask of something from you players :3. There s a fishing achievement, forgot the name sadly, you get if you fish something up in orgimmar- the opposite of old ironjaw. I wish to catch this fish and I would kindly ask if i may try fishing for it without being killed. I swear i will not attack any player, npc, or other while i am fishing, i just wanna try getting the fish and leave. I know your opposing faction players but you are all human players, and so am i. If you do allow me to fish there i would be most grateful and i promise i will not move from that fishing spot. So if anyone of you folks reads this i would appreciate your response and if you say no i will completely understand and i will ask at another time.

Thank you for reading this and your time as well, and i hope you give me the opportunity to allow me to fish there :D.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
It would actually be better for you if you do NOT let them know you are there, because now it will just open people up to "griefing" you. And I only use that term loosely, because people will know ahead of time that you are coming. If you just showed up and they messed with you, that would just be normal. But this post invites them to attack you.
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100 Dwarf Hunter
I am just trying to be polite and respectful though :<. I just figured if i asked nicely here and was courteous they would let me.
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100 Troll Warlock
I did this eons ago in IF, fished up old iron jaw. Ours is old crafty. My suggestion is, de-equip most stuff and just hide. Never strike back either. A few people would mess with me, but most upon seeing how I was dressed, would leave me alone, a few would actualy fish with me. But then again, I hid in the very back and /sat so no-one could see me either. Goodluck to you!
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90 Troll Hunter
I certainly wouldn't attack you if I saw you. I'm not big on doing things like that and if no one's making any trouble I don't see any reason why anyone should. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who would stir up trouble just for the sake of stirring up trouble (on both sides) and while the people you encounter here on the forums probably aren't the kind to make trouble... you never know.

I second the suggestion of unequipping anything like armor or weapons, and trying to not stand out. Pick earth-toned clothing -- you're less likely to be spotted that way, especially by those who don't keep "nameplates" on, and use camo (does that work when you're flagged? I haven't played with it that much; I don't PvP much at all) to get to where you're going.

I fairly often see Alliance people fishing in Orgrimmar - or at least I used to before the capitals were rebuilt. I don't bother them but I've been known to /wave and smile.

Who knows -- maybe I'll see you and finally work on leveling my fishing!

Good luck!
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90 Undead Rogue
There are a number of higher up pools you can fish in Orgrimmar. Look along the rim above the portals to the new zones. I can't confirm if you can actually pull the fish out of these pools but it would help you avert most incidents that might result in loss of life.
Edited by Pang on 2/17/2011 11:40 AM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
In my experience, if you're calmly in a single spot fishing (typically in the Valley of the Spirits, I think), are in a spot where patrolling guards aren't coming after you (those spots do exist), and you aren't making a spectacle of yourself, most Horde players are going to leave you alone. It's kind of a benefit of being on an RP realm. I rode in to get my Fishing Diplomat achievement back before Garrosh redecorated Orgrimmar. I put up a Death Gate beforehand so I could make a quick exit if necessary. I started fishing, got my achievement, and was able to hearth out. A couple of Horde players even waved at me. People typically can tell if you're there to cause trouble or if you're there just trying to have fun by doing something peaceful. I also recall an orc Shaman who was hanging out in the middle of Stormwind's canals. He was trying to fish, and trying to do so in a spot where the guards wouldn't come after him. He and I danced for awhile, then I wished him well and went on my way. I don't recall hearing "Stormwind is under attack!" for most of the time I was in the city, so either guards weren't coming after him, or if they did, he didn't fight back.

Yes, you're going to get some players who just figure you're an easy target, and will go after you, acknowledging that even the otherwise-peaceful Hordies in the area will back them up if you get violent (even in self defense). There's nothing you can really do to avoid this; voluntarily flagging (which you do when you enter a Horde city) says "I'm ready for PvP to happen." Best you can do is hope they don't camp you; try an overture of peace by letting a couple of them get the /hug achievement off your corpse before you release. But chances are once the PvP has started, you're likely to have to haul out of there for a day or so, as once any player, Alliance or Horde, gets a taste of blood, they typically want more, and lone members of the opposing faction make tasty morsels.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Anywho..the achievement is for catching "Old Crafty" in Orgrimmar.

I just spent from around midnight until about 2:30am sitting in Orgrimmar fishing. This is my experience..

260x Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper
95x Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish
79x Raw Brilliant Smallfish
6x 17 Pound Catfish
1x 19 Pound Catfish
1x 22 Pound Catfish

Between Midnight and 1:00am I was killed 3 times.
First by 2 people who didn't stick around to camp me.
Second by 3 people who didn't stick around to camp me.
Third by 4 people who didn't stick around to camp me.

Also had a few people seeming to do double takes that I was there, and some people landed and waved or hugged, or other assorted emotes before flying off.

In 2 1/4 hours, no Old Crafty. Might try again later. But now I am about to pass out from sitting in one spot that long, so gonna go to bed.
Edited by Paranitis on 2/18/2011 2:22 AM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
So just had an interesting experience again with fishing in Orgrimmar. Last night/this morning I filled a 22 slot bag with fish (and some of backpack with the "special" fish). First number is what I just got, and in parenthesis are what I got earlier (though you could just check one message up):

260x Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper (260)
99x Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish (95)
68x Raw Brilliant Smallfish (79)
1x 17 Pound Catfish (6)

Also got a couple Lesser Healing Potions this time around, but other than that, these are the fish I got. Now you might look at the Smallfish as being 11 fish apart, but at the same time, the same amount of slots were filled with the same fish.

Just thought it was neat at how very similar the results were. Still no Old Crafty again, so will try again later at some point.

Overall as far as the PvP part goes, I still got the occasional groups of people attacking me and killing me, and some douchebags pulling guards into it so that I have to kill the guard or might get repair bills. And near the end I had one guy keep attacking me for no reason, even though I killed him 3 times, and also was kicking his friend's tail until he ran away.

There was also Zeruel near the end there too, who was having a 1 on 1 fight with me (and he lured guards a couple times), but we never really were able to do a full fight because this other idiot kept popping in to die.
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100 Orc Warrior
Well, if you're alliance, and you're in my town, I'm gonna put you in the dirt. It's the same courtesy I would expect while fishing up some achievements in Stormwind or IF.

It has nothing to do with just being nice. You're an enemy behind enemy lines. Call it an overload of RP, but I'm not going to ignore alliance in the Horde capital city. So bring some friends and fight for your right to fish up our coveted marine life!
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94 Orc Hunter
It's pretty obvious why someone from Alliance is in our towns. If they are there during holiday events or just fishing off in some corner I let them go. You'll get the people that spam trade chat trying to raise the alarm and I'll usually respond with 'leave them alone...they're just fishing'. I'm glad that most of the Alliance affords us the same courtesy, it made finishing off the Elders achievement easy.

So for the most part you'll be ok, but as with Grux...some people are bent on defending Orgrimmar to the bitter end in every situation. But if you are attacking Orgrimmar, I'll be right there with him.
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100 Pandaren Priest
Allowing the Alliance to fish in Orgrimmar ruins my immersion, sorry.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Saying you are going to be there will get you camped. It seems we have less dimglows then say a plain old pvp or pve server, but we have a few. I saw several in Stormwind when I was trying to get to the stockaids to get an achievement. If you are going to do this come early in the morning. There is a few people about then. Wait till the holiday is over. If you get caught by the npc guards your mulch. The flying ones will oneshot you off your mount, I don't know about capitol guards but starter zone guards hit for like 800k each.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I've actually found earlier in the morning to be the worst time. I couldn't get more than maybe 5 stacks of fish total before I was being camped..which wasn't happening at all the last 2 times I got full 22 slot bags full.
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100 Pandaren Priest
02/19/2011 1:29 PMPosted by Paranitis
I've actually found earlier in the morning to be the worst time. I couldn't get more than maybe 5 stacks of fish total before I was being camped..which wasn't happening at all the last 2 times I got full 22 slot bags full.

This is totally true. I found you today shortly after I made my post. :)
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85 Tauren Druid
I agree with Grux, if I see you, I'll kill ya. I wouldn't camp you but I'd surely expect the same in SW/IF. Pretty sure it is still WARcraft, and not Farmville... Just sayin'.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior

you metioned my name so blatently its almost as if you want revenge or somethin :D
Edited by Zeruel on 3/13/2011 11:07 AM PDT
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85 Dwarf Warrior

you metioned my name so blatently its almost as if you want revenge or somethin :D

Nah, don't want revenge. Was kind of excited to be able to do a 1v1 situation, but it never turned out that way because this other guy kept jumping into the middle of things. I was kind of having fun with it too. :P

Also you were the only one I remembered by name, because you hung around more than anyone else did. :)
Edited by Paranitis on 3/18/2011 10:43 PM PDT
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