[H] Sat, Mar 19th - 10 Man Raid - Spots Open!

90 Troll Druid
What: A newly-formed, CoL, 10-man, farm, raid night. We currently have room for all roles, including tanks, heals, and DPS.

Where: We will be hitting Omni, Magmaw, Halfus, Twin Dragons and possibly Baradin Hold. You should be unlocked for BWD and BoT at a minimum.

When: Tonight, Saturday, March 19th; we will start at 10:30PM and end at 2AM

Who: Cry of Luna is a successful raid guild on our server. We have all of these fights on farm.

Why: We're starting up a third farm night for guildies, but we don't have enough people to completely fill the roster. This is a great chance for us to meet some new people, and for you (if you don't know us yet) to check out our guild.


Contact Info: /who Cry of Luna and ask a guild member of your choice if Fae or Ley are online (we're likely to be on alts). We'll be happy to talk with you and get you on the invite list.


On Your Gear: We ask that you be raid-ready, which means geared as well as possible from heroics first. A good guideline is to aim for near-full 346+ gear, possibly with 3-4 rep/crafted epics. At the very least, you should have nothing left to buy at the JP vendor. Having another (successful) raiding main goes a long way towards vouching for your skill/experience if you don't meet these guidelines.

On Your Performance: Just don't stand in fire, have a good attitude, follow our instructions and you should be fine. We're willing to teach fights tonight. DPS should be pulling 9k+ on meters; and when people are dying, Healers should be able to break 8k HPS without OOMing 10s later :P.

On Loot: One MS, One OS item per person; if no one else wants it, you may take a 2nd or 3rd MS/OS piece. BoEs are available for your MS only, and must be properly itemized for your class/spec (ie no Spi for Locks, or Str for Hunters); all shards and BoEs that go past MS go to the CoL guild vault.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
GL with raids. Be sure to tell Neogenex he fails.
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