Kablooey Inc. Recruiting((rp guild))

((Hello all! Kablooey Incorporated is now recruiting.It is an rp guild based on an own-all company,By that I mean a company that will do anything and everything for cash.It is mainly Goblin centric(goblins prefered though will take other races).It is lead by Myself and Truxxick contact either of us for info.We have currently one guild tab(though will have another soon).Only requirments are level 15 and up (80 for dk's) and that when you contact one of the GM's you give us your RP name (ex.Rilvix Sizzlebucks)a quick quick backround and bit of what your character is like.Thank you and I'm looking forward to any tells :)! Have a great day!))
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12 Goblin Shaman
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34 Goblin Warlock
What kinda substandard knockoff hooey is this here see?

Bos Chachaa ain't gonna be pleased.

And when Boss Chachaa ain't pleased, stuff gets spread over a ballistically determined area.

I hope youse got yer insurance paid up ya mooks.
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((Well in all fairness Kablooey was created long before Payload inc. I have only just began recruiting recently.......unless payload has been around since the beginning of wrath I seriously doubt its a ripoff :) ))
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65 Goblin Mage
((Don't get your loincloth in a knot. It's called roleplay. Regardless as to when your guild started, we are goblins.. so of course we would ROLEPLAY ourselves as numero uno regardless if we were the umpteenth goblin roleplay guild made on the last day of the server's life.

Good luck to your guild and your prospects in collecting suitable and reliable members - seriously.

.. and remember..

It's just a game and most goblins just can't play fair.))
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((I completely understand.........just dont call me a ripoff :P))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
02/23/2011 5:50 PMPosted by Rilvix
((I completely understand.........just dont call me a ripoff :P))

(( He was RPing. ))
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