Orc Enh and BElf Hunter/Belf HPriest LF Guild

85 Orc Shaman
85 Orc Enhance Shaman
525 LW/Skinning

and either of:

84 BElf Survival Hunter
~500 Enchanter/525 Miner

85 BElf Holy Priest
~510 JC/??? Enchanting
(she plays both, either can be her main. 2 players only, not 3)

We raided ICC25 11/12, ICC10 9/12, TOC25, H-TOC10, Onyxia10/25 ,Ulduar25 about halfway, and Naxx25, Sarth 10/25. EoE only when overgeared. Bunches of stuff from BC. Note that for the Belfs, the hunter was never a progression character, and most raiding was with the Holy Priest.

Currently have gear on both 85's to do heroic dungeons to get ready for raiding. 84 Hunter has some 85 gear waiting and will begin working on whats needed as soon as she gets there (maybe 20% left to 85)

We are available 4-7pm server M-F and on Sundays from 2 or 3pm onwards. (maybe saturdays if thats what works out)

We both are looking to be raiding in the current tier and to progress with the guild as the game does. We're not looking for hardcore, we'd simply like to enjoy the content in a guild setting. We are very friendly and sociable through the game and would love to take part!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hey Batou, nice to see you still play. :-)

~ Araceli
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85 Goblin Death Knight
Good friends of mine back when we were raiding ICC / ToC.

Batou is awesome, and so is his wife.

- Chesco
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85 Orc Shaman
We aren't married, but thank you :D she's my GF
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85 Orc Shaman
@Araceli: uh, this should raise your eyebrows:


I urge you to check it out. If you don't want to, find me on server and I will tell you why it would be interesting to you :D
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85 Orc Shaman
And we would be fine in a guild alliance or a guild! My first raiding experiences were with a guild alliance.. ShadowEmbrace/Reckoning (BoP) in Kara for about 5 months! Great times! So no stranger to those are we.
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85 Troll Hunter
Look for me in game. We are looking to possibly add a few raiders soon and like what you and she bring to our raid. Would love to talk to you more about it in game.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
02/22/2011 3:52 PMPosted by Batou

Haha. That's not me! Araceli is a very popular Spanish name!
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