Sisters of Elune RP-Dying Out. [Horde Side]


80 Troll Warrior
I've returned after a long hiatus. I realize that I wasn't a huge part of the SoE role-play previously, but it was definitely something I enjoyed and something I worked on when I wasn't busy raiding, or preparing to raid. Definately, somebody hit up my characters some time, I need to strech my legs and get back into shape.

My characters are:
Gardios, A Holy Paladin, trained by humans that strives for peace between the Horde and the Alliance.

Mithfon, A Troll Warrior whose eyes have been enchanted with Voodoo to see the very strands of magic, cursed to never be able to weild them however. She also struggles with trying to find her place in Troll society.

Raijuu, A Troll Shaman struggling against his old age to provide the leadership his people need and fight the enemies of the Horde. Despite becoming more reliant on magic, he is too proud to admit his old age and continues to fight in close-quarters.
90 Human Warrior
From my understanding Ally side is still active but only in certain sects. The Slaughtered Lamb Society hosts a event ever week. So RP is still alive and kicking. I also here Goldshire is plenty active. LOL.

Tamz what up fool.

Hi Shade hows things
From my understanding Ally side is still active but only in certain sects. The Slaughtered Lamb Society hosts a event ever week. So RP is still alive and kicking. I also here Goldshire is plenty active. LOL.

Tamz what up fool.

Hi Shade hows things

Same ol'same. Doing what I can to help our community one step at a time.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Well it's tuesday. Got a little rp in with Talibah, but besides that I've been to org, Undercity, Silvermoon, and not one role player in sight... How reassuring.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
At the risk of being flamed and called who knows what and being told I know nothing, drama killed it all. Lack of separation, people not wanting to deal with those who don't realize that they aren't their toon, idiots, nasty accusations, attitudes, backstabbing, poor skills, clicky guilds, it turned into Animal Farm (if you haven't read it look it up). That's the reason why RP died, and even if there are still a few lingering it's either A. the ones who started most of it, or B. the ones who had nothing to do with it all and were off doing their own thing.

The majority of you know it's true, the fun left when the people tired of the drama left, and the rest of us were left wondering what the hell happened.

I personally removed myself from the RP scene because honestly? I was tired of being in high school after I'd already graduated years ago. Tired of the lies, tired of being treated like something I wasn't, and just plain tired of bull!@#$.

When you poke something enough it stops twitching, and the masses move on to the next best thing, and I see 90% of everyone went to WrA to start the whole process over again. And you know what? Have fun, in a few years it'll be a ghost town just like SoE.
100 Blood Elf Priest
Drama sucks period, RP has slowed it is not dead and is still out there. I have noticed after bouts of people who attempted to force RP, metagame and godmode RP it pushed a lot of people out of the usual hubs and even when they left the people didn't come back. Tamz and many others here are still pushing ideas along, like Ebonara who hosted a meeting that was not a fiasco like ones before and was actually productive. I hope they host more and continue to boost RP. Is the new RP Community site as well.

Thos who run form one server to escape issues on a larger server will still find the same problems, they follow along. More people = more issues and more drama. EVERYONE who RP's on an RP server is responsible for the direction it takes its not one person or one issue, though its easy to point fingers and cast blame as well as scapegoat others and so on. If we want the RP we ALL need to fix it, and that is easier said than done.

Hiding, withdrawing and sticking one's head in the sand fixes nothing, and we all have made mistakes, I know I have more than made my fair share and am far from perfect. I am not going to sit and let things idly pass by either.

My husband once said something that helped put things in perspective, "What did -you- do to make another person feel or act in whatever way?" (depending on situation etc.) Looking at things in that regard if you take it seriously makes sense, it may be hard to do, no one would like to think they did something that hurt another person. It puts the shoe on the proverbial other foot.
Edited by Talibah on 11/9/2011 8:20 PM PST
While most know me as a fairly hardcore dedicated Alliance player, I do have two Horde toons. A Troll Warlock and a Orc Warrior. I do have great interest in helping the Horde get things going once more on their side of the spectrum, as it is I have something that I tested on Alliance side that I do plan to bring to the Horde, to give that helping hand as I have said I would.

Now I do not know everything being done Horde side. But here is some stuff I have been doing Alliance side, maybe this could be of use to the Horde, and some other stuff I feel could be of help.

1. Establish a hub - I have been working to establish Darkshire as a Alliance side RP Hub.

"What is a hub?" - A hub is like a place where folks gather or can constantly go to find something they seek. Example: Goldshire, can almost always find pvp going on down there

"Why Darkshire?" - Darkshire has a Tavern that has the same lay out as Goldshire, only without the annoying griefers really being around. But Darkshire can also provide a element for both sides of the RP Spectrum between "Good" and "Evil".

2. Taking over a tavern - I know the tavern RP is overdone in some senses -BUT-, they do serve as a great way to ensure there is established RP, and ensures that there is a place to meet folks. Tavern RP should -NEVER- be the end all, be all of RP, it is there to serve as a catalyst.

"What is a catalyst?" - A catalyst is a person who guides discussion and activity towards forming consensus and towards productive efforts. But in this situation, we are using it as a building to do such. But you can consider Stethren as a Catalyst in a sense.

"What if there is no tavern?" - See if maybe there is a place in the region you can use as a way to provide info or drinks or something to RP'ers. Not all good RP starts with a full mug, so do not think that every good hub needs a bar or inn or whatever.

3. Get permission to advertise RP plots going on. - I have been helping Viloche, Talibah, Jaylik, and others to try and bring a "Corrupted Bloodthistle" plot to light for the Alliance side RP Community. Thus my Bartender; Stethren Von Krete. Has been giving people heads up about a green haze that has recently appeared in Duskwood.

"What is this 'Green haze'?" - You will have to find out :) and no its not potty humor.

4.Do not limit the RP in one spot - As nice as a hub is, you still want to expand and reach out. Think of a hub as a seed. Once the seed is placed (Darkshire for Alliance) it starts to develop its roots and expand out (Redridge, Elwynn Forest, Westfall, stranglethorn, Deadwind pass). Once the roots have expanded and the tree is starting to form, other seeds can be placed around (Maybe a good IC-Drama could carry it beyond the hub).

"That made no sense Tamz!" - Alright lets look at it as building a castle
-You build on the foundation (For me: Darkshire)
-Once you have built on the foundation, expand out (The Darkshire Hub has Redridge Mountains, Westfall, Elwynn Forest, Deadwind pass, and Stranglethorn vale to expand out to)
- Once your castle has been built and is starting to experience even more development boom, you and your fellow people can now expand the empire (In this situtation, the RP Community is our Empire. I am just doing what I can to expand it for us as a whole)

5. Remember that this is not a one person operation - You will need help or you will find yourself getting burned out quickly. Ask your friends to help, ask your guildies, do whatever it is you feel is needed to help get things going. (Except starting OOC witch hunts (or IC witch Hunts without permission), starting ooc drama, and other such terrible things. I mean they got us here in the first place people!)

Now if you are still with me after that little spew of mine. I just like to say that RP on either side is NOT dead. I cannot stand listening to "Half empty glass" folks but I do see why they are needed. Is RP on Horde side dying? No, I think it is down on its knees a bit, but I do not think it is dying. Its going to take all its muscles (Us the RP Community members) to help bring it back up and standing proudly like it once was.

Do not use the "Half empty glass" words as a counter-production, use it as a fuel to push forward.

RP is NOT dead on either faction till the last RP'er quits trying.

"Tamz, must you always be this odd?" - YES!
85 Blood Elf Paladin
I hoped the RP would scare the childish retards off, well it didn't, there was even more guild drama on Sister of Elune Horde side then on regular pve server. I am pretty sure that another problem could be that Horde seems to think that Sister of Elune is a pvp server.

As for Roleplaying - I still have alliance toons on Sister of Elune and have been logging on to them more, there is a few guilds on the ally side looking for roleplayers.

Wish I could point you to a good horde roleplaying guild on Sister of Elune - but I gave up and went to a different horde server.
Edited by Earthenfury on 11/17/2011 2:09 PM PST
100 Night Elf Druid
From what people tell me, RP is much worse on the horde. Both in terms of rarity and quality.

But I've been active on SoE ever since BC, and I have definitely noticed a drastic decline in Roleplayers. You used to be able to wander into Goldshire at any given time and find people RPing there. It's tough to say, but Sisters of Elune is simply a dying realm. All we can do is try and host events in public places, hoping people will wander up, join in, and become RPers themselves.

If we keep to ourselves, for fear of griefers and noobs, then new roleplayers will never come.
85 Blood Elf Warlock
What is funny is that the people who seem to be complaining about lack of RP are people who were NOT at the community meeting, NOT ever seen (by me or some of the people I know, anyway) in any of our RP hubs, and NOT responding to any of the RP events that have been posted on the o-boards, here, and advertised about in Trade Chat. So if you put absolutely nothing IN to the process, that is exactly what you will receive: nothing.

Talibah said it wonderfully. You can't just stick your head in the sand and expect things to just magically go smoothly. You have to work for it. I have been advertising the Winter's Veil event for a while now, and I have been trying to push the RP channels Horde-side. Nobody responds. Not only does nobody respond, and I am sorry if this offends anyone as it is not my purpose, but when I requested RP the other night to an entire channel of over 15 roleplayers, only two actually came and RP'd with me. TWO. That is ridiculous. I understand everyone wishes to play the game as they see fit, and everyone has things that they are doing...but do not sit and complain about the state of RP when you are doing nothing to help it.

Nemalin, Unfortunately for me the meeting took place while I was taking one of my small breaks from WoW. That I am just getting back in to the RP side of gaming. With that said what I really need is help baggering my wife to get back into RP >=)

100 Blood Elf Paladin
I've never had the chance to RP but I'm trying to dig up somewhere I can, I really think that the SoE community is great. Reading this makes me a bit upset for the fact that it does sound like it's dying but all of you people really sound happy and enthusiastic to revive it. If any of you run or in a guild that RP's please invite me, I would be happy to join a more friendly and open community.


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