Looking for active intelligent and dedicated alliance members for an early morning progression 10 man raid team. Accepting applications for all classes and roles at this time. Raid schedule is set to be fairly hardcore being 3 mornings a week with the possiblity of a continuaion raid before dungeon resets.

Raid times:
Wed morning 7:30 - 9:30 server
Thur morning 7:30 - 9:30 server
Fri morning 7:30 - 9:30 server
Mondays will be continuation if attendance allows.

Invites will start at 7 server time and the first pull will be at 7:30.

As I stated above I'm looking for active dedicated team members I'm not interested in setting up a pug, I would prefer to have the same 10 players in each raid or at least as close as I can get. Being a progression team there are a few things you should know before applying. We may spend several hours and days wiping on the same boss learning mechanics, you will die several times and you will have repair bills. Each attempt is a step closer to the boss going down whether the attempt is a complete failure or not. You will get to roll on main spec items if you are in the raid when the boss goes down.

Guidelines and Requirements:

1) You must have an equipped avg item level of 340 or higher, all gear must be properly enchanted and gemmed.

2) Tanks must be able to maintain aggro
Dps must be able to maintain 10k dps
Heals must be able to maintain 7k hps
These requirements are all raid entry anyways so these standards are considered low.

3) You must have vent (don't have to talk but must be able to listen). Deadly boss mods or bigwigs are also required.

4) Looking for team members that will show up to every raid on time with their flask and food and fully repaired.

5) Raiding experience is a major plus but not required as long as you take crtism well and can listen and react.

6) Good gaming etiquette is always a must no cussing, drama, or rude out of place comments.

7) Team members should research the encounter of the day and know how to do their part. This will save time explaining each fight.

For those of you who wish to know I have a strong leadership background both in game and out, I have been in several leadership roles in the past including guild leader raid leader and class officer. I'm also the night time manager at my place of employment. I believe in contrusive critism and praise for a job well done, I lead by example and try to make every task as enjoyable as possible.

If you are interested please whisper Zoeyray or Hazrabel or send an ingame mail to either please include the toon name you wish to raid with and the role you would like to fill.

Thanks for showing interest