Looking for Sylvanas Music Box

85 Undead Hunter
Hello all. I'm on the Sisters of Elune server. I wanted to see if anyone by chance has Sylvanas' Music box that they would want to sell to me. If not is there someone on this server who would be going for the Shadowmourne loot and wouldn't mind selling it to me? I am really interested in this piece of loot from Shadowmourne in specific. Please let me know if anyone has one available. Please PM and we can talk specifics.
Edited by Artyom on 2/19/2011 7:40 PM PST
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85 Undead Hunter
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85 Undead Hunter
Bump, please let me know guys. I'm paying well.
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85 Undead Hunter
Upping again!
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85 Undead Hunter
Yeah, I know a few people going for the loot, so hopefully they come through.
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85 Draenei Paladin
I have this item (not bound to me) on the Korgath server and I am willing to sell it, was wondering if you wanted it bad enough to do a server change :)
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
He got it.
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