The Stonetalon Company is Recruiting!

*The announcement is posted on bulletin boards, on the doors of inns, and anywhere else where it may catch a passerby's attention*

Attention Citizens of the Horde! Are you fed up with incompetent superiors making foolish decisions due to their pre-existing feelings about the shedding of blood? Are you tired of having to stay your hand because you lack "authorization" to make the kill? Are you a cold blooded, calculating murderer? Are you a bloodlusting berserker seeking pleasure that can only be found in a brutal kill? Would you prefer to focus your killing urges on the forces of the Alliance? If you can answer yes to any of these questions then <The Stonetalon Company> is the mercenary company for you!

If you would like to seek entry into the Company contact Rezlak either via letter or other means and we will set up a meeting.

And remember, "When you're with the Company blood is necessary...and often preffered."
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80 Troll Warrior
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80 Troll Warrior
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80 Troll Warrior
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80 Troll Warrior
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34 Goblin Warlock
<<Kinkiesnax reads the notice while chewing meditatively on a rather alarmingly shaped baguette....>>

Huh... bloody minded maniacs eh? Willin ta do any harm as long as harm is involved? Yannow, I fink we could work wit' dese guys.

I knows a certain shipping company what's got some alliance offices need redecoratin. I'm sure Boss Chachaa won't mind if I do a little "outside contractin'"....
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80 Troll Warrior
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80 Troll Warrior
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