SoE Guild Directory


Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Shano Aman
Guild Type: RP, Med-Heavy
Contacts: Mairyx or any guild member
Web site:
Information: See the guild site for recruitment info. It is and arc'd story line process to become a member. Shano Aman are a group of Wilderness stalkers or those wishing to follow the path.

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Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Steel and Harsh Language
Guild Type: weekend warrior 10man PvE
Contacts: Nurgal (GM), Vizzini/Enigo (recruitment)
Recruiting: Yes. wtb dps

Information: We've been raiding together since BC (before that for some of us) and just lost a couple of core members to the RL boss. We are casual, but capable, weekend warriors raiding Fri nights and Sat/Sun at noon server time.

Additional information: While we accept any and all mature comers, we have several couples in our guild and are especially interested in adding more to our ranks.
Edited by Vizzini on 3/29/2011 1:41 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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85 Tauren Druid
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Frequent Sudden Urges
Guild Type: Social and Medium 10 Man Raiding
Contacts: Dogglyck, Brezara, Bakuub
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: FSU has returned (April 2011) from a 3 month hiatus and is looking to rebuild it's member base. We are a friendly social guild and hope to do guild heroics and raids (10 man at first and 25 man if we have the members and interest) once we rebuild our membership.
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90 Human Priest
PvE, Raiding, PvP, Raiding, Role Play, and Raiding.
Contacts: Penelopae
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes

Information: and the Homepage Website listed above.
Edited by Penelopae on 5/25/2011 4:03 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The template has "Information" not requirements. Please modify it and I'll gladly add Zen to it =]
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85 Gnome Mage
Could you please add Tripsy and Hiccup to our contacts? Thanks!
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85 Draenei Paladin
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Protectorate
Guild Type: Draenic Military RP Guild.
Contacts: Jeramakus (For now).
Web site: -none available-
Recruiting: Yes.
Information: As for now, the guild is exclusively draenei only. We're just starting from the very bottom but we'd love to have more draenei in our ranks to indulge ourselves in Draenei lore. Alts are welcome, commitment is more than welcomed.

(Adding the garlic to the soup~)
Edited by Jeramakus on 4/13/2011 5:14 AM PDT
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
Guild Name:Venere Veritas
Guild Type: Medium-Heavy RP
Contacts:Roxanna (GM) ( has the funky 'o', although I should be able to be found by a /who ^^)
Web site:Still in the works.
Recruiting: Heck yes we are.
Information: In it's creation, I hope to build a friendly, open, and fun environment for -Every- kind of Role Player. New, Experienced, or just a plain out expert. Beyond that, I do require that the people who wish to join, know the basic rules and No-nos, and while if they don't, i'll be glad to explain exactly what those are. Mature players are requested, and as I can get a little carried away m'self. :O!

Additional information: Recruitment is fairly simple. I won't make you fill out a little Copy-and-Paste Character Sheet, but I will require an extensive IC interview before you join. Just so I can get a feel for your style, character, and all that jazz. ^^ If for some reason you feel you aren't ready for that quite yet, you're more than welcome to approach me OOCly about joining, and things can be settled that way, too. I promise I won't bite, . . . Too..hard..
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: The Sacred Morning
Guild Type: RP, social/family, and whatever else in between.
Contacts: Jantharria, Methuss, Cinnabun
Web site:
Recruiting: Always!
Information: The Sacred Morning has, and always will be a neutral standing RP guild which sets aside all differences (ICly or OOCly) to accomplish common goals. These goals being anything from peace in Azeroth, or keeping RP in abundance and free-flowing for all with several events placed on the calendar.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Remove "Likes Shiny Things"

We've moved servers. Thanks for the good times SoE :)

- Cailyx, formerly Nerili
Edited by Cailyx on 6/13/2011 8:01 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Druid
Please remove The Sword and Shield? The other guild leader and officers have stopped playing, and we have disbanded. Thank you!
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80 Blood Elf Hunter
Last Bastion is no longer recruiting! We have more or less merged with our sister guild.
Edited by Isobele on 3/18/2012 3:11 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
Guild Name: Ego
Guild Type: Heavy Raiding
Contacts: GL: Tendency. Officers: Alyice, Peanuts, Nuttrbuttr. Alts: Shimsham, Killermusic, Tnulb.
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes, all but melee and hunters.
Information: We're a fairly new guild, but rising fast. 6 days in and 12/12 and 2/7. Gotta be patient with us, for we are low lvl, but we have a lot of experienced players and we're super easy to get along with. Drama free.
Edited by Tendency on 8/31/2011 12:36 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Guild Name: Sua Spontes
Guild Type: Raiding, Social, PvP
Contacts: Guild Leader: Neverage Ofiicers: Hanzimare, Myanessa, Zoezazu, Farstrider, Adorre
Web site:
Recruiting: Main Recruiting focus is Healers & some melee DPS. Also recruiting PvP minded folks for Rated BG & arena. Always recruiting for casual/social members.
Information: We are an Alliance guild on Sisters of Elune founded by people who have enjoyed playing together for a long time. We are experienced raiders who are committed to community, progression, and having fun. We focus on bringing a casual, family-friendly approach to progression raiding on current content. Many of us have known each other for years so vent and guild chat could contain colorful content.

Remembering that there is a real person sitting behind each of our avatars, our guild policies are designed to be ethical and fair. MMO's are by definition social games. Why not be sociable while playing them? We believe that you don't have to be a jerk in order to beat hard content. We do raid with a purpose and expect our members to be focused on the task at hand.

We endeavor to provide everyone with the opportunity to participate and contribute knowing that individual growth leads to team growth. The guild's loot system is EPGP so that we remove all controversy associated with loot rules and knowing where you stand.
Edited by Hanzimare on 7/31/2011 3:23 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Shaman
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Dominance
Guild Type: PvE, Progression Raiding.
Contacts: Titan - Guild Master, Jesandria - Healing, Requite - Tanking, Phine - Damage
Web site:
Recruiting: Visit the website to view current openings.
Information: Dominance is a guild focused on 10 man progression raiding and having fun doing so. We plan to be an active participant in the Alliance's progression and to have a positive impact on the community of Sisters of Elune. It is a guild founded on the intentions of every member helping to further the guild as a whole. We look to invest in each and every member to the betterment of the family, our guild.
Edited by Titan on 8/8/2011 8:50 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Zen
Guild Type: Pve Medium, Pvp Medium, RP light
Contacts: Penelopae (GM), Biggestbear(Officer)
Web site:
Recruiting: Casually
Information: Rockin the raids for all the right reasons. Zen has proudly been apart of SoE for 2 years now. Known in the past for hosting the Old World Weekend raids to all the previous content in the game. Attendance - Performance - Attendance is what we expect in our raiders. Show up, know your toon and the content, continue to show up is the best way to get a raid slot. Raiding 6 nights of the week at 8 o clock pm server time.
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85 Night Elf Druid
This list needs to be updated big time. Porti La Morte is being disbanded today. Crown of Aerial is disbanded as of it's current website info. Bad's split, though there may still be remanents the officers in that guild may have changed. That's just what I know so far.
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85 Undead Warlock
Faction: Horde
Name: Thunderhorn
Type: PvE, Casual Raiding, PvP, Leveling
Contacts: Palath, Julilade, Eymberli
Recruiting: Actively
Information: We are a helpful and active guild. With our focus being on guild activity and general helpfulness. We believe than helping each other makes for the best guild.
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