Hello Cenarion Circle!
I am trying to set up a progression raid with static members, with no guild affiliation. For now, it's just me and a handful of my friends, which means we need some more people!
Initially we will be raiding Monday nights from 6pm to 9pm server time. We will begin by raiding the majority of beginning raid content(Halfus + Valiona, Magmaw + Omnitron, etc.) Once the group becomes established and steady, we will consider adding an additional raid night and naturally push deeper into these raids.
For loot we will be using a KSK(Konfer Suicide Kings) which is a simple loot system that is aimed at distributing loot fairly. For more information check out their site: http://kahluamod.com/
As a note, I am expecting quality performance and if you cannot perform to standards you will likely be replaced, no hard feelings. You will be expected to be on time, preferably with food/flasks(not mandatory... yet.)
That being said, we do intend to have fun and enjoy our journey through Cataclysm's raid content.
What we need:
[Priest/Paladin] Healer
[DK/Warrior/Druid] Tank (With dps offspec)
2 Ranged DPS (Preference for a hunter)
2 Melee DPS
-Show up on time
-Know your class/role
-Vague understanding of intended boss fights
-Good attitude
-DBM Addon
If anyone is interested in raiding with us please either reply in this thread and I'll contact you or send me an in-game mail.
Thanks you for your time, I hope to get enough responses so that we may begin raiding Monday (March 7th.)
I am trying to set up a progression raid with static members, with no guild affiliation. For now, it's just me and a handful of my friends, which means we need some more people!
Initially we will be raiding Monday nights from 6pm to 9pm server time. We will begin by raiding the majority of beginning raid content(Halfus + Valiona, Magmaw + Omnitron, etc.) Once the group becomes established and steady, we will consider adding an additional raid night and naturally push deeper into these raids.
For loot we will be using a KSK(Konfer Suicide Kings) which is a simple loot system that is aimed at distributing loot fairly. For more information check out their site: http://kahluamod.com/
As a note, I am expecting quality performance and if you cannot perform to standards you will likely be replaced, no hard feelings. You will be expected to be on time, preferably with food/flasks(not mandatory... yet.)
That being said, we do intend to have fun and enjoy our journey through Cataclysm's raid content.
What we need:
[Priest/Paladin] Healer
[DK/Warrior/Druid] Tank (With dps offspec)
2 Ranged DPS (Preference for a hunter)
2 Melee DPS
-Show up on time
-Know your class/role
-Vague understanding of intended boss fights
-Good attitude
-DBM Addon
If anyone is interested in raiding with us please either reply in this thread and I'll contact you or send me an in-game mail.
Thanks you for your time, I hope to get enough responses so that we may begin raiding Monday (March 7th.)