new purposes.

I want to find who killed me. I can't reconnect my lives unless I know who killed me, and more importantly, WHY I was killed.

But where do I start? It's been some months now since I was awoken and entered the Service of the Forsaken, and in that intervening time, so much has changed. The only thing that hasn't changed is my anger at…whoever is responsible for this. Like a million bees inside me, angry bees, ready to lash out with wings and stingers at any passerby who disturbs their hive.

I have stingers as well, but mine are considerably larger, and covered in the poisonous bile of my own wretched fury.

I am at a loss for where to begin asking, my fellow forsaken seem to think that searching out things like this is a fools errand. I beg tot differ, sometimes at knifepoint. I will find who committed this crime upon me, and then, we will have a conversation.

Perhaps I should find out who it was who sent me the rope and the shell-horn. They seemed to know something, perhaps they could be encouraged to speak with me at greater length. The letter was unsigned, but perhaps the postal services are a good place to begin asking. After all, how often are the messengers asked to carry wet red nooses?

Yes. It is a beginning. I will find this person, and then they will tell me everything.
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72 Undead Hunter
Why look to connect your lives? Why would you do that to yourself?

I will tell you all I care to remember: working in servitude for a pittance and a pat for the same lords that would burn our homes, slaughter our cattle and murder our children if it kept them in power.

What will you do when you connect your two lives? Will you find your old home? Sleep in your old bed? Can you see your lover? Your children, can you see them, as you are now? Can you bear their terrified screams as they run from your arms?

Find the one who killed you, by all means. But avoid trying to connect your two lives, at all cost. Nothing good will come of it.

For my own, I have a purpose. To see every lord beg for the lives of their family, and to send them into the dark, wondering if their family found the mercy they never showed.
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68 Undead Hunter

Consider yourself lucky to be in ignorance.

Would you be happier to discover that you are a former Gilnean, fallen in battle because your King saw you as disposable?

Would you be happier to encounter a Worgen man, your sworn enemy, on "peaceful" ground and soon discover that he is your husband? And then he "mercifully" wields the Light and attempts to destroy you utterly so as to "save" you?


Ignorance is bliss.

Lady Fayrnae Silkshadow,
of Her Dark Majesty's new Dark Rangers
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