Regicide is recruiting raiders for our 25 man progression team. We are an old guild with a big reputation on the Alliance side. We are looking to become a heroic raid group in the very near future. With interest please send in-game mail to Saiford, go to www.regicide.guildzilla[DOT]com, or post here on this forum.
We are currently looking for:
One or Two more strong healers, shaman or priest
Strong dps, mostly melee positions. We are limited on rogues or hunter spaces, but all good applicants may apply.
We raid Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday 6:30-9:30st!
Thank you!
We are currently looking for:
One or Two more strong healers, shaman or priest
Strong dps, mostly melee positions. We are limited on rogues or hunter spaces, but all good applicants may apply.
We raid Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday 6:30-9:30st!
Thank you!