[H] enhance/resto Shaman LF raiding guild

85 Troll Shaman
After a two year break, I came back to WoW six months ago as a level 35 Enhancement Shaman, only to find that my guild died. The friendly people at Diåtribe were nice enough to take me in and keep my morale up as I leveled to 85, giving me my first level cap hit. Unfortunately, friendliness and humor can only go so far.

Thankfully I managed to get my gear up to 345 (Resto) and 341 (Enhance) without guild help by doing the daily normal pugs for Justice Points and reputation, despite the fact that I have only successfully pugged a few heroics. Pick up groups are a nightmare.

I can't pad my resume by saying I've had raid experience, because I don't. But I want to have that experience, and I have to start somewhere.

I might fail a couple of times, I might wipe a couple of times, but if I make a mistake, I want to learn from it and learn how to avoid it. I'm not claiming to be perfect or Johnny Awesome, but I am saying that I'm willing to give it my best.

Also, my computer does have a microphone, but I haven't had a chance to test it in vent. The quality seems fine in videos I've recorded, so hopefully that applies to WoW as well.

P.S. I have bonded with my friends at Diåtribe, so I will be sad to leave them behind if I'm recruited somewhere else, but I can always continue to support them through my alts.
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90 Troll Druid
Well, if you're interested in raiding, CoL currently has room for one more excellent healer. We're also willing to accept excellent-in-training. We run late nights, 10:30PM-2AM, and we have a lot of individuals running heroics each day. If that sounds like something that interests you, please let me know.
Edited by Faeylin on 3/4/2011 12:25 AM PST
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
You sound like you have an awesome attitude, Joy. I'll second Faey's invitation (esp since it's me you may be healing!).

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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
hey...check out Unfair Advantage....we're just learning too
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90 Tauren Warrior
It's true, and we're always looking for a willing body to come along with us and work together.
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