[A] Team Bear Butt Recruiting a Ranged DPS

85 Night Elf Druid

Team Bear Butt is recruiting one ranged DPS. We'd prefer a Warlock of any flavor or an Elemental Shaman or an exceptional Arcane Mage or Shadow Priest. Other classes and specs are welcome to apply, however.

Our times are 3:30-6:00 PM Server Time (PST). We raid Wednesday and Thursday.

If you can do basic math, you will notice that we have only five hours per week of raid time, but are currently 8/12 working on Cho'Gall. So we find we have great success for a limited time frame.

We're a fun-loving raid that enjoys watching bosses fall over and enjoying a good joke. We tend to make all kinds of ribald jokes, but usually watch our language. (Unless our dwarf paladin is really drunk. Even if he raids better that way...) Please have a good sense of humor and positive attitude.

If interested in joining our raid, please contact myself in-game by whisper or mail. There is no application, but you must pass an interview with myself over Ventrilo.

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Bear Butt
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100 Dwarf Paladin
I may or may not be able to confirm or deny that I am said drunken Dwarfadin. >.>
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Someone's sure gonna be lucky to get to run with Bear Butt.

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85 Human Warlock
yes they are Light....yes....they are
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85 Draenei Priest
This group, they has a Fantastic.
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