MoJ is recruiting for select positions!

As the title suggests, we're currently recruiting for 2 separate 10 man teams. The first team is 7/12 as far as progress is concerned, and they raid Wed/Thurs 7-9pm, and Sat/Sun 7-9pm. We break the raid into 2 different sets of days, the first 2 are farm content, the next 2 are progress content. We are seeking a skilled druid or shaman healer, to fill a "part-time" position. We might also need a warlock for that team.

The other team runs 9:20-11:30 Wed/Thurs, and hasn't started. I'm currently trying to fill all the spots, so we have a solid 10 man team in place, so progress will be swift. Right now, it consists of about 1/2 the raiders from the earlier team, on their alts, so we know all the fights the other team has cleared. This raid could use 1 paladin healer perhaps, and maybe a mage.

Please send me an in game mail on this character or Dartaneon.

Currently we are not requiring guild membership to raid but, it does help with communication and team cohesiveness. Our guild works very well together and we've now ranked up to 18.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and good luck out there in the World!!!!!of Warcraft.
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85 Human Rogue
Bump for MoJ! Really fun folks to raid with.

Dart, my resto shammy is 85 (and geared...for PvP) if your team needs some healing love. Just show me where it hurts, ladies. :)
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hell yea we need a resto shammy, when can you raid? find me in game, probably on this mage, or talk to thornwill or jigadart (aka dadizzle, after forced name change).
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I can join the raids if u guys need a holy pally give me a tell in game if u like
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i'll check over the roster Tag, and see what we can do, we might have to switch some folks around, but it might work. I'll let you know, if you're still interested
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bump! send all inquiries to Gnizama please, we're looking for healers, perhaps a tank and some ranged dps!
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