The incredibly wealthy, attractive and wonderfully fragrant Trade Prince Donais is building an army. For reasons that don't exactly pan out, he requires the most talented individuals to side with him in the coming war.
He has sent out agents such as myself to scour Azeroth and find mercenaries who possess certain desirable skills and abilities. If you are lucky enough to be contacted and receive a quest, it would be wise to accept it.
I will be hosting a series of fun events over the next few weeks for those bored enough to attend. These are strictly Horde side events, however the Alliance is welcome to come and crash it if they wish. People are encouraged to Rp, however it is not mandatory.
Each event winner will receive a prize of 1000g, as well as a starter quest from myself. You are not obligated to complete the quest chain.. but the rewards will definitely make it worth your while. Level 85 is not required to start my quest chain, but it is required to finish it.
The first event will begin tomorrow April 10th, at 3:00 ST. Details will be given in trade chat 30 mins prior to the event.
Hope to see you there.
He has sent out agents such as myself to scour Azeroth and find mercenaries who possess certain desirable skills and abilities. If you are lucky enough to be contacted and receive a quest, it would be wise to accept it.
I will be hosting a series of fun events over the next few weeks for those bored enough to attend. These are strictly Horde side events, however the Alliance is welcome to come and crash it if they wish. People are encouraged to Rp, however it is not mandatory.
Each event winner will receive a prize of 1000g, as well as a starter quest from myself. You are not obligated to complete the quest chain.. but the rewards will definitely make it worth your while. Level 85 is not required to start my quest chain, but it is required to finish it.
The first event will begin tomorrow April 10th, at 3:00 ST. Details will be given in trade chat 30 mins prior to the event.
Hope to see you there.
Edited by Nyda on 4/9/2011 3:53 PM PDT