[A] Resto/Ele Shammy & Resto/Boom Druid LFR

85 Draenei Shaman

Recently, our guild stopped raiding, and my wife and I are looking for a both a raid and ideally, a new guild/home.


In terms of scheduling, we're available every evening weekdays from 6-10pm, ST/PDT, and on weekends, as well. A four-night-a-week raiding schedule might be pushing it (but certainly doable), and three would be ideal.

We'd like a guild that is both progression- and progressive-minded, and don't mind putting in days to a single boss. We've seen through Cho'gall several times, and we'd prefer a 10-man raid to the 25 where possible, but are willing to engage 25s as well. When raiding, we like to use the entire time for the purpose, and only take breaks when we need to. Raiding is for fun, but we pursue this past-time aggressively.

Please send an in-game mail/whisper me or Mistdew, and thank you for your time.

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85 Draenei Priest
'twould be a mistake
To miss grabbing fantastic
Players like these two...

~ haiku of the bump
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85 Human Mage
If you want to consider us.. I may be looking for a tank, a healer and a ranged. Feels like a match made in heaven and you know us.. think about it. 2-4 days a week with breaks as needed.
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yuki and mistdew....the dynamic duo lives on huh! you do know that MoJ is more progress minded now a days, we're almost 8/12 and by almost i mean 5% away. I think we'd be interested in filling a few spots. oh, and we desperately need healers. just throwing that out there.
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