
85 Gnome Mage
1860 in 2s as Fire spec. I'm not amazing or anything, but I'm starting to feel confident in saying I'm good. And I owe a lot of that to you. Rock on.

Running Rated Battlegrounds a lot now, slowly making my way up. Unfortunately, we're not in the same battlegroup, but here's hoping I run across you in a random BG someday. :D
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85 Gnome Mage
I headbutt at groin level. And I bite.
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85 Gnome Mage
You can't be Icejob since there's no -job...

so who are you?! O_o
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I just work here.
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85 Gnome Mage
Temporarily hijacking thread:

@Icejob <3

Undead is where it's at.
*sage nod*
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85 Gnome Mage
Hey Nozz, how's it going? -wave-
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85 Gnome Mage
Hey! Aside from being pretty busy lately, I'm doing well. Hope things have been okay for you.

wtb personal assistant XD
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85 Human Warrior
Battlegroup and Server does not equals Pee Vee Pee Taktikz and expereeunz.

/highfives Icejob
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Unsure if lion is aiming at me or not >.>
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85 Human Warrior
-shrugs- No clue, brah.

I'm still badgering on why the Fel do people still think battlegroups are such a big deal?
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85 Gnome Mage
Hey! Aside from being pretty busy lately, I'm doing well. Hope things have been okay for you.

wtb personal assistant XD

Oh, well, pretty busy on my part. I'm sort of taking up the personal assistant route myself. I have been very prodigiously writing stories, if you'd like to take a look sometime. This is my latest one:


You can't be Icejob since there's no -job...

so who are you?! O_o

An old friend :)

Give me a hint! This is going to drive me mad!

-shrugs- No clue, brah.

I'm still badgering on why the Fel do people still think battlegroups are such a big deal?

Because they are. The battlegroup I'm currently in has the weakest performers in PvP; exactly how I would fare on another battlegroup isn't an easy question, since there are a lot of factors to consider, but I would almost certainly be lower rated than I am right now. Could be anywhere from 50 to 200 points lower. We also have extremely low thresholds to reach the challenger, duelist, rival and gladiator titles relative to other battlegroups. That's why I say: I am not amazing.

I've got a lot to learn as of yet. Every single time I step into a rated battleground, every single time I step into a 3v3 or 5v5, I am reminded that my situational awareness has a long way to go. I also need better predictive abilities; I have several much higher-ranked friends I practice with who are able to magically read my next move, and learning to throttle my muscle memory and do fakeouts is a slow process for me. But I'm confident that I will keep learning.
Edited by Aestaela on 3/15/2011 12:11 PM PDT
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Are you telling me I can dodge bullets?
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85 Gnome Mage
No, Job. I'm telling you that when you're ready, Ice Block will never be on cooldown when you need it.
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85 Gnome Mage
*feeds the bear tuna helper*
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