
85 Gnome Mage
*feeds the bear tuna helper*


Friend me on RealID I has Jinky alreadyyyyyy

Yes'm, will do as soon as I log back on.

edit: Strays back on topic by throwing more <3 at Icejob.
Edited by Nozz on 3/15/2011 5:49 PM PDT
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<3 SoE peoples
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85 Orc Hunter
03/15/2011 5:53 PMPosted by Astrid
I threw an aimed shot at Icejob once. It was an aimed shot of loooove.

Mhmm and he was shooting them right back at ya yesterday in TB. Quite literally...

Edited by Frankiet on 3/15/2011 11:31 PM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Ladies and Gentlemen. I present you, Icejob:

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How did you find out?!
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85 Human Warrior
It's quite easy spotting you. <.<
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85 Draenei Paladin
I think of Icejob as more like this:


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I remember when this was dedicated to me a long time ago.
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90 Human Hunter
So can we call you John Richard Preston? >.>
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They call me Job.... Ice... Job
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85 Night Elf Druid
I think of Icejob as more like this:


I was waiting for this to come up. Now I'll have to watch it 10 times and giggle like a 5 year old.


I remember when this was dedicated to me a long time ago.

Oh gaaawd! That song has been stuck in my head for at least three days. It's fun to explain to people when they actually catch you singing the lyrics. Another few days of awkward questions for me. >_>
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85 Gnome Mage
<.< Monsieur Job is not on mine server, compadre.

I dunno, Icejob may be good enough to hit cross-server ...

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