[A, RP] Fishing Excursions, Wednesdays @ 7 pm

85 Gnome Mage
[[Shamelessly copied from Daphne's old post and slightly reworded]]

The following notice is posted on neatly-lettered flyers in Stormwind on the popular fishing piers, and in Ironforge within the forlorn cavern. A couple of wrinkled copies that were clearly torn down from elsewhere have been re-posted in the Dalaran sewers.


Tired of elbowing your way to a good fishing spot in the cities? Ready for something different from the scrawny fish that inhabit our cities' canals and caves?

Grab your fishing pole and tackle as enthusiasts venture to new and exotic places! Whether it's the sandy outlines of Tanaris or the dense jungles of Stranglethorn - see the sights while you spend time with others who like to fish! Don't miss your chance for some good fun with others who enjoy this great pastime!

We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 pm ST. Please bring your own bait or lures.

In tiny print at the bottom of the page:
Flyer design by Tinker Printing and Messenging Services. For precision, accuracy and a well-delivered message, talk to the Tinker!

---- OOC info ----

Fishing is a free format RP event that is accompanied by plenty of IC chat, and often followed by fireside meals. The event usually lasts about an hour or a little longer; when there's a lot to discuss, it can go much longer. Late arrivals/early departures are not a problem.

We'll do our best to keep lowbies on their feet, but many areas we visit are not entirely mob-free!

The fishing expedition happens every week. We'll visit some of the locations that have been changed by the Cataclysm events, as well as other scenic fishing spots. We will visit higher-level areas on occasion and may do selected fishing quests as a group, if there's interest. If you'd like an in-game invite, please post a reply here or send Daphne a message in-game.

Edited by Nozz on 6/22/2011 11:13 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
Thank you for the wonderful turn out tonight, we'll be headed to Surwich next week. Please contact myself or Daphne if you'd like an invite.

Happy gaming!
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85 Gnome Mage
This Wednesday: the lighthouse at Stormwind Harbor.
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14 Worgen Hunter
I hope to be there. I am eager to get my fishing up from it's current level of "zero".

That, and meet some new folks. Yeah, that too.
Edited by Larren on 3/29/2011 10:24 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
For April 6th, from Daphne:

Invites for tomorrow and the following Wednesday have gone out! Location is still TBD. I'm thinking someplace mid-level-ish. I know several people gave me a bunch of good ideas but they're all written down someplace at home. >.> I'll try to dig them up this evening!

If you're interested in joining us and haven't received an invite, please let me or Nozz know and we'll be glad to add you.

See you there!

edit: testing something out.
Edited by Nozz on 4/8/2011 5:40 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
Fishing tomorrow ~ you don't need a calendar invite to attend, but if you'd like a reminder, please don't hesitate to contact any Clockwerk officer for an invite.
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85 Human Hunter
Nozz asked for one of us to bump this thread and let folks know the fishing will be in the Forlorne Cavern in IF tonight.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I would love to attend... but last time I ventured into Ironforge the dwarves weren't all that receptive of my visit >>
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85 Night Elf Druid
If you just tell them you're here for the fishing event, I'm sure they'll be reasonable >___>

Unless they've been drinking. And let's face it. They're always drinking.
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Last time I ventured into Ironforge the dwarves weren't all that receptive of my visit.

I remember running through Ironforge in my underwear, confusing and infuriating the guards (and keeping my repair bill low) - just to have a shot at Old Ironjaw.

Good times, good times.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
I had it on the calendar for yesterday not today. Was that a boo boo?
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85 Gnome Mage
04/20/2011 04:18 PMPosted by Omorose
I had it on the calendar for yesterday not today. Was that a boo boo?

I'm not sure. The invite I got from Daphne last week is showing up as the 20th on my calendar, and you're marked as Tentative.

edit: I think Daphne was the one that sent it out, or maybe I did XD But it's the 20th.
Edited by Nozz on 4/20/2011 4:30 PM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
Thanks to those who came out last night!
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85 Human Paladin
Fishing tomorrow will be at the new resort, at the Steam Pools in Feralas. The mobs there are nonaggressive (and in their mid-30s) and I believe there's a ground path for lowbies, but there's no flight point at the resort and no vendors that you can buy anything from. The resort is pretty neat despite the lack of amenities, though!

We'll meet at the dock near the resort. Friendly Horde fisherfolk are welcome to join us, of course!
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85 Gnome Mage
A bump just to let everyone know that these open RP events still happen every Wednesday at the same time. You do not need a calendar invite to attend, though the invites are usually updated with the week's fishing location.

If you'd like to know where the next fishing event is held, please message Daphne or simply /who Clockwerk and any member should be able to tell you. You may also keep track by reading the fishing thread on our guild site, located at:http://clockwerk.guildomatic.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=110

Thank you.
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