[H] Need more for Weekend Afternoon raid

85 Tauren Paladin
Hi ho and hello!

CSI Undercity is seeking fresh blood to round out our Weekend Afternoon raid team! The raid times are Saturday/Sunday from 12pm to 3:30pm.

Our current lineup has a few people who can perform multiple roles as needed, so we're accepting characters of any role at this time, although reliable, consistant tanks or healers are perhaps in greatest demand.

If you have any questions or are interested in giving us a try, contact us in-game!

Raid Lead: Xindor (Alts: Vewdew, Quaide, Stalwrench)
Raid Assist: Aziarathia (Alts: Priandra, Galadelwin)
Or me: Truehorn (Alts: Surehoof, Finnicks, Rachion)

We prefer raiders to join the guild once becoming permanent team members, but will make exceptions for truly excellent players.

Website: www.csiundercity.com

Truehorn Dawnstrider
Officer of CSI Undercity
Edited by Truehorn on 3/28/2011 6:53 PM PDT
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85 Tauren Paladin
Shameless bumpage.
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85 Tauren Paladin
We managed to down Halfus this weekend after pugging some healers... who proceeded to not show up for Sunday night.

Still looking to fill the spots with more permanent, reliable folks. Might be able to accept some DPS as well.
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85 Tauren Paladin

Raid has changed from Weekend Evenings to Weekend Afternoons!

Now 12pm invites to 3-3:30pm end time.

Still looking for reliable, consistant folks who understand the nature of commitment and that his/her fellow raiders are people too and are counting on them.

Constant No-Show-ers need not apply. Seriously.
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