[A] Ascendancy - All Classes for 10/25 man

100 Night Elf Druid
Ascendancy is currently seeking individuals interested in raiding from any and all classes:

Raiding Schedule:
We have three raids a week:
Tuesday 7 pm to 10 pm server
Wed or Friday 7 pm to 10 pm server
Sunday 6pm to 9 pm server

Our current progression is 4/12 N for 10 mans. We are looking to push through the gear check bosses and our immediate goal is to down all of the normal level bosses. Once confident in our abilities, we would progress to hard mode raids. We seek to fill simultaneous 10 man runs, and if we receive enough interest, branch out to 25 mans.

We have been a raiding guild on Sisters of Elune for a long time now and wish to recapture the raiding presence we had in WotLK. We are a mature raiding guild and are not infected with drama nor do we wish to be.

Aside from Cata content, we also raid Old World content and are always up for knocking out raiding achievements.

We ask that those interested in raiding have a minimum Gear Level of 340, although we will review individuals in a case by case basis. We also seek raiders who are willing to follow instructions. If you have little raiding experience we can work with you, but you must be willing to listen to the raid leader and learn on the fly.

Loot System
We currently do not have a Loot System, other than Need before Greed, however one will be incorporated as we progress into dungeons. When one is created, all raiders will start at zero, we will not award DKP, or whatever, to those who have been with the guild longer. It will be a level playing field.

How to Apply:
Submit applications to

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100 Night Elf Rogue
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100 Night Elf Druid
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