Horde RP Concern Discussion

85 Night Elf Mage

It was brought to my attention that many Horde players may not see the SoE board, so I'm throwing this out here, too.

(Xposted from SoE forums. http://www.sistersofelune.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=865)

(This post may seem familiar, probably because I shamelessly reworked Ellorah’s Alliance version. It was so well-said, I couldn’t resist. )

Please let me know what days/times work out for people, and we’ll set something up for next week. I’m available most evenings (not Tuesday or Thursday), and during the day Saturday and Sunday.

Ellorah’s original post: “You can use this opportunity to bring to light a few issues. I want those who will attend to be able to speak freely, though if the situation or problem is about a person, I'd appreciate keeping their anonymity just so it seems no one is ganging up on another.

This is to be constructive. I implore you to come with an open, honest mind. Even if it's you who has transgressed in the past, I want you to see what's happening from others' point of view. And if you haven't, try to see things from the transgressor's shoes, too. Coming to a mutual understanding-- even if there's still disagreement - is key.

I'm also open to mediating issues between people who'd like to resolve any harsh feelings.”

First and foremost, since there will be many people present, patience is important. Not everybody types quickly, so responses may be delayed. I’d like to add that while this is open to everyone, the goal is to have a constructive, mature discussion. This is not an opportunity for ‘he said, she said’ finger pointing. Nor is it the time to call out specific individuals.

I will have a transcript add-on running, and will post after the meeting.

Below please post which character you wish to attend with, and what times and days are good for you. I will do my best to accommodate everyone who wants to join in.

The raid invite will come from Ariandrel. I’ll give it a couple of days to see when everyone is available, and then decide on day & time.

If you don't want to post on the SoE boards, feel free to send me an in-game note Horde side on Ariandrel. I'd like to have this set up for next week sometime.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I know that there was a similar summit held this evening on Alliance side. Not to make you all test subjects or lab rats of any kind, but I was wondering if you all had any feedback on what worked, what you want to implement the next meeting, etc., so we can get a good feel for what to expect.

Also, this summit will be open to anyone Horde side in the roleplaying community. Thus, if you have some constructive input regarding setting up and moving forward with this, please feel free to respond as well. This will only be as good as we make it. :3

Input appreciated!

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85 Gnome Mage
I want to say that not only did Ellorah do a good job as moderator, but even at the end when the meeting felt like it might veer off course (but never fully did), everyone allowed each other time to speak. Would I attend another one based on what happened last night and how everyone behaved? You betcha.

One thing I'd like to suggest: If you're considering participating and have something you specifically want to address, type it out beforehand. It helps keep you focused.

You may not end up using all or part of it - we spoke in order of our position in the raid group. By the time it was my turn and I'd listened to others, most of what I'd prepared beforehand didn't need to be brought up. But I did know what was left that I still wanted to say.

So, tl;dr ~ If anyone out there's like me, you get nervous talking in front of a group and you get kinda scatterbrained. Notes help xD
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Honestly, having hosted the event I can't give much feedback. I feel it went well, and I encourage people who are genuinely concerned about improving the RP on Horde-side to attend this.

I will be, if I can. Tues/Thurs (altogether) this next Saturday (26th) and Monday nights are a no-go for me.

I'll come on Ellorah. :)
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I'd like to come but Sunday evenings after 7ST are out.
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85 Draenei Shaman
I'm upset that I wasn't able to make it last night, but I'm glad it went over well. Whenever the next one is, I'll be sure to attend with plenty of ideas.
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82 Human Rogue
Nozz pretty much summed up my thoughts about this, but I want to thank Ellorah again for putting this together. She did a fantastic job of keeping things on course, and getting everyone talking in a positive way about Alliance RP and how we can improve it.

Everyone was civil and did a great job of listening, and offering constructive feedback. We also had some great ideas from people.

Gonna try to make the horde one if I can.
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85 Night Elf Mage
(Cross-posted from SoE forums)

I haven't forgotten about this. Things are just a bit hectic this week. Hopefully, they will calm down a bit this weekend.

From the input I have so far, it seems Wednesday evening would be a good time. I'm leaning toward either next Wednesday, the 30th, or Friday the first, 6 PM ST.

How does that work for everyone? Let me know...

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm more likely to make April 1st, I'll let you know if that changes.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm possibly going to be out of town that weekend, but I'll try to make it if I can.
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Thumbs up for Friday, April 1st - the later, the better for me (at 6:00 pm, I'm likely still commuting home, but I am happy to join the group whenever I manage to log in).
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85 Night Elf Mage
I am still hoping to be able to do this tonight. Would 6:30 ST be okay with everyone?

Let me know here if you think you'll be attending. I will be on Ariandrel for the meeting.
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04/01/2011 06:35 AMPosted by Sarielyn
I am still hoping to be able to do this tonight. Would 6:30 ST be okay with everyone?
The later, the better for me...

Post when and where you are planning on holding the meeting and I will do my gosh darnedest to be there.

I appreciate that you are taking the lead organizing this, and I look forward to meeting a few other role players on SoE.

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm still good. I'm fairly sure a few others are as well.
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85 Night Elf Mage
6:30 is about as late as I'd like to start. Since it's an OOC discussion, my plan is to do it in raid chat, as Ellorah did the Alliance one. That seemed to work very well.

I'm shooting to be on no later than 6:15, and I'll start sending out invites then.

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Thanks again for organizing this. Good discussion tonight!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thank you, Sari, for moderating, and thanks to all those that participated. I think it was a good start and will only improve should we have them in the future.

Again, all in the community are welcome. This is our server; it's up to each of us to make it home for not just ourselves, but all those who are here.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/1/2011 8:55 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
If there is a sort of mailing list or contact group etc. for these meeting or RP events in general please add me to it, I'd like to see it flourish on our server and I tire of RPing with Gamon...he just squats there day and night on the same knee, never getting tired of staring at that utterly fascinating candle...lol.
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04/12/2011 11:21 AMPosted by Kiuas
I tire of RPing with Gamon...he just squats there day and night on the same knee, never getting tired of staring at that utterly fascinating candle.

Stay away from Gamon - he's bad news, especially when he's been overserved.

Come see Gravy at the Wyvern Tail Inn, he's a much more laid back NPC who will gladly serve you a drink or two.

It's also a good spot to bump into other roleplayers.
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