[A] Ævolution - Joser's Heroes recruiting

85 Worgen Hunter
Ævolution - Joser's Heroes is looking for an exceptional player to join our ranks in the coming weeks. We are currently 12/12 and aiming to be starting heroics immediately. An absolute minimum for gear is ilvl 346, with plenty of 5 man heroic experience and preferably some raid experience as well. Please have an in-depth knowledge of your class.

Joser's heroes maintain a casual schedule, raiding tuesday and thursday 6-9 PST. However due to our limited time, and the fact that we enjoy challenging for the top 10man on server, we are only looking for strong raiders that can meet this standard.

Current Needs:

The ideal candidate will be a mature, competitive person, with a reasonably stable schedule and a desire to help make the group better. Will be required to be able to speak and listen on mumble.

We will provide flasks and feasts but all consumables otherwise must be brought by each individual.

Please Contact Trevalin, Pethugger or Nevazar in-game to arrange an interview if interested.

We do not run on a DKP system, we are all friends and will be distributing the loot according to what helps the raid the most.
Edited by Pethugger on 3/23/2011 9:19 AM PDT
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85 Worgen Hunter
/bump for editing
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85 Worgen Hunter
Shameless bump
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