Dear SoE, help me find a home!

85 Blood Elf Warrior
I've been playing on and off for a few years now, and one aspect that keeps me drawn to the game is RP. I've played on a few RP/RP-PvP servers and it seems as time goes on the active RPers are fewer and fewer. I want to play on an RP server, but before I make the commitment to transfer I'd like to know whether or not there's even an RP aspect anymore.

So I am here to ask you:
Is RP dead on this server?
If not, how prominent is it (for instance, is it just within a few certain guilds or can I stumble across/spark an RP session simply by questing/wandering/in a major city/etc...)?
Lastly, and I don't want to sound too condescending much less insult anyone when I say this, please bear with me... Some of the RP I've witnessed lately have been with people who were just not very mature and it made for a very dull, basic, and predictable RP where most of the individuals involved were very self oriented. Is there any rich and fulfilling RP left?

I am eager to hear from you guys. Thanks in advance for hearing me out and taking the time to answer these questions, and again I'm sorry if I've insulted anyone, I meant no offense.

Yours truly,
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Heya Lai!

RP is far from dead on the server, most who will argue the contrary sit and expect rp to happen at them. If you look, if you spark it, you will get into numerous storylines.

The hub for roleplay is still Silvermoon, but we've recently tried moving that to Orgrimmar. Let's face it, Garrosh might be less than spectacular warchief material... but he sure knows how to redecorate the Horde capital!

As for your last point... that's a part of life too. There's the OMFG moments, and then there's dull moments. However, there are plotlines that are just amazing. There's also plenty of people willing to pitch in and not be on the spotlight.

If anything I would suggest perhaps rolling an alt on the server, trying it out for yourself before dishing out the moolah to move over.

Best of luck on your search!
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
I agree entirely with Kalico. RP still exists, though depending on the day and time it'll seem more sparse. I recommend trying between 7 and 11 PM CST since that seems to be when I find the most RP.

As Kali said, roll a tion and walk around. Interact with people. Test the waters.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Kalico, Molly, I really appreciate the timely responses! I'll definitely create an alt and poke around. I look forward to RPing here! One more question though, is the RP activity pretty equal on Alliance side too? Thanks in advance!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Haven't rp'd ally side in a long time, I do know that they tend to have more weekly events than Horde side. We seem to be more of a roll with the punches type of crowd x3
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73 Blood Elf Mage
As far as I know, Alliance side doesn't really RP as much. I don't know from experience, though. I'd say, easily, Horde is better.
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85 Gnome Mage
03/15/2011 1:59 PMPosted by Lailuma
One more question though, is the RP activity pretty equal on Alliance side too?

I can't really answer how it compares since I don't play Horde here. There are a few regularly weekly events however. Open RP is a bit more reclusive Alli side, but there is definitely roleplay to be had.

Our guild has a weekly fishing event every Wednesday - it's a public event and you're quite welcome to stop by and meet some Alliance players.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Thanks so much for the input everyone! You've definitely helped influence my decision. I'm ready to commit to a transfer, but I'm gonna keep testing the waters with an alt for the next day or two just to be sure.
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85 Draenei Paladin
03/15/2011 3:11 PMPosted by Lailuma
Thanks so much for the input everyone! You've definitely helped influence my decision. I'm ready to commit to a transfer, but I'm gonna keep testing the waters with an alt for the next day or two just to be sure.

Very safe and wise choice before taking the plunge into unfamiliar territory with the cost of server/faction transfer fees. Good luck and I hope you find you enjoy SoE if you choose to make her your home!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hiya Lai,

Welcome to SoE for our "trial" phase. I hope you stumble into some good stuff, as there is plenty to be had. (It's just lurking!)

We on Horde side vary from RP guilds and scheduled events to those of us that prefer to keep options open and love walk-up style RP.

On my main alone, right now I have a little over twenty separate "threads" of in-game roleplay/storylines going, and that doesn't include my alts or what has leaked to out-of-game RP (stories on the boards, Twitter, blogs, etc.). All this without being in an RP guild or attending scheduled events. So RP here is definitely out there. You just have to poke around a bit and put yourself into it. :3

If you have any questions or need a bit of a hand with stuff, feel free to /w me or shoot me an in-game mail. Hope to catch you this weekend in Org (! :D

Peace, Love, and Lok'tar,
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
On my main alone, right now I have a little over twenty separate "threads" of in-game roleplay/storylines going, and that doesn't include my alts or what has leaked to out-of-game RP (stories on the boards, Twitter, blogs, etc.). All this without being in an RP guild or attending scheduled events. So RP here is definitely out there. You just have to poke around a bit and put yourself into it. :3

Wow, twitter and blogs? I'm impressed, sounds like SoE is pretty well connected =D. You can count on me being in Orgrimmar this weekend, on one character or another!
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85 Human Warrior
Orgrimmar or Thunder Bluff during the weekend evenings would be your best bet. It's where I sit down, sipping my red wine while walzting in my Hordie looking for random encounters.

........Minus the red wine of course.

But yes, do test the waters first. Come visit the Alliance side, too! We have cookies!

........with a side of pecan and almonds.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
03/15/2011 1:59 PMPosted by Lailuma
is the RP activity pretty equal on Alliance side too?

Alliance > Horde


Just kidding. I hear good things about Horde, but have never tested the waters as you seem to be doing. Once you get over the grandeur of their elegant RP sitting on pink pillows with blue satin veils and exotic insense... you'll find that Alliance side is just as much fun. I guess it depends on your RP mentality for your character, but even then you'll find people of similar personas on both sides.

*goes to buy some pink pillows* What?! They're pretty. Don't look at me like that.
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