[RP] "Greetings Lord Worthington..."

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Moonlight pushed through the window, framing the back of the large, leather wingback chair. Ebony hair hung tousled as she slouched, the woman listing left in the seat. She didn’t bother separating her cheek from her balled fist when the knock on her office door came, simply barking a quick phrase to permit entry. The nimble figure stepped through the door, pacing quickly through the room to take a seat across from her.

“Word?” Bella said, right brow lifting to a slight arch as she peered across the desk.

“On a few things,” replied the svelte Sin’dorei, a wisp of a grin meeting her lips. “The good news first?”

“Just… “ The retired Blood Knight’s jaw clenched, her lips mumbling what appeared to be her counting from one to ten slowly. “Just tell me what you have.”

“Did a bit of poking around,” replied the rogue, leathers shifting soundlessly with her figure as she sat back. “I know the entry way. Best paths to take. When the patrols move.”

“Good,” replied Bella, turning in her chair to face the window. “Note it all. I’ll turn it over to the others. We’ve another trip soon, heading back out to the farm country in that neck of the woods, as they say."

"Going again?" asked the rogue, her head giving the slightest of a tilt as she studied the Knight's profile.

"Of course," replied Bella, reaching down to smooth a flattened palm over the front of her tunic, an action of habit and ritual more than one of necessity. "More medical supplies and food to drop. No sense in babies of any race going hungry. They're not responsible for the idiocy of leaders who act like infants. Until this eye mends, though, I’m not going much of anywhere. Is there anything else?”

“Yes,” replied the woman, standing and tossing a parchment onto the desktop. “Thought you might like that.”

Printed on the page was a detailed advertisement for Worthington & Companies Leatherworking and Hunting Emporium. Bella’s right brow arched as she read the detail, a small grin lighting her lips as she noted the words “selection of fine leathers and exotic trade goods”.

“Mm,” she mumbled, reaching for parchment and quill. She glanced to the rogue as she unfastened the lid to a crystal ink jar, pausing to slip on a pair of leather gloves before plucking up a plain sheet of parchment. “Sit a minute. I’ve another task for you.”

    Greetings Lord Worthington,

    It has come to my attention that you are, as they say, a world traveler of sorts. As well, you have procured a large selection of leather goods and exotic wares. As a collector of leathers and oddities, both, I must say I am rather intrigued.

    As I find myself always on the search for quality leather items, I am wondering what your trade policies are via the method of neutral parties. You see, I believe in a strong bartering system and fair trade, regardless of circumstance. After all, the color of gold goes nicely in my home city as well as your own. I believe one Baron Revilgaz of Booty Bay as well as the company he keeps would be so inclined to assist in such a venture, should there be mutual agreement.

    As post has a bit of difficulty traveling to and fro, I will ask that you reply, leaving the parchment in a sealed envelope with one Viznik Goldgrubber of Stranglethorn Bank and Trust, located in Booty Bay, Cape of Stranglethorn.

    A reply is appreciated, even if you choose to pass up what could be a rather interesting - if not lucrative - opportunity.


“Now, see that this is slipped into a postbox, and soon. This… could prove interesting.” Bella sealed the heavy parchment with wax, handing it over to the other woman before removing her gloves.

“You’re dangerous when you’re bored, Mistress Boldvalor,” muttered the hired hand, removing her mask from her belt line.

“Perhaps, but what fun is it to just sit about?” replied Bella, giving a devilish grin.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/17/2011 3:53 AM PDT
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90 Human Hunter
((Hi! Thank you for posting this, nice opportunity to RP Byrond myself.

Please do give me another day to come up with a reply, I'm in a bit of a tanglevine here. xD))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((No problem! Take your time. :) Just saw your other post and got a possible story idea from it. Figured it couldn't hurt to try! :D ))
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90 Human Hunter
Bespectackled and looking as posh as ever, Byrond Worthington the Second knows he's a very dashing gentleman.

Oh, dashing indeed. Even after the incident of him almost losing his life yesterday, he still managed to keep his hair tidy and kempt while keeping his chin clean and handlebars primmed. Setting his gear up and slotting gun shells into his belt, he's now ready to embark on his new adventure. He does have a few more things to do, however. Beginning by browsing thru the pile of documets that came to his office this morning.

He begins browsing them one by one. "Hmpft.....Invitation for a Club de Haute. As if I need something like that. Oh? What's this...? Madame Meringue's Cream Bath Theraphy? As if I will...! Bills, bills, and..."

His eyes fixes on a sealed parchment, wondering the design imprinted on the wax. Curious, he eyed the parchment carefully before breaking the seal apart. Unrolling and scanning thru the letter.


"Who in Azeroth goes by B? Bonnie? Becker? Baxter? Or....Lady Burpa Burpi?"

A contact. That's the only clue this mysterious sender is willing to make a trade, then again how'd the advert parchments got out of Stormwind anyway...? Now Byrond's getting more and more suspicious...

Feck suspicions, I'd rather have excitement.

Quickly, Byrond fetched for his butler and asked him to wait as he wrote his reply:

Dear Mr/Mrs/Sir/Madame/Ms/Dupot/Capot/Lord/etc.,

While I apologize for the long addressing, I must not take my chances in avoiding mistakes. I thank you for having interest on my wares and I've also attached with this reply along a complete, hand-written catalogue of my finest products and wares.

Of course, with it is also attached another parchment for our Hunting Tours if you're more than willing to participate.

If you found nothing of your interest, we can arrange a meeting in Booty Bay as you described since you wished to be so "enclosed". Date and Time are yours to choose.

For raw materials, our stock currently ranges from standard cowhide leather of the finest quality to the ever rare Chimaera leather imported from my connections in Kalimdor. For Chimaera leather, it'll take me several weeks or maybe months to process it. Please do understand.

Thank you for choosing Worthington & Co.

Yours sincerely,

Lord Byrond Worthington the Second

Sealing his letter inside an envelope and making sure it's stamped carefully with a hardened wax, he hands it to his butler who nods in understanding. The butler had one hear at the direction of the letter was addressed to before nodding again and bringing the letter outside of Byrond's office.

Now....All he needs to do is wait and see, or perhaps discover who this mysterious customer is.
Edited by Byrond on 4/2/2011 8:14 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Her lips curled down at the edges, her gaze intent as she focused on the pendulum's spin and swing. The machine - one which did not tell time but rather measured other goings on more of an arcanist's persuasion - now sat at the center of the desk, the Knight having brought it down from a nearby shelf to clean and admire the heirloom.

Busied in her work, it took her a moment to notice the gentle change in the room's atmosphere. She paused as she felt the hairs on her neck rise, her ears twitching. Her visible eye - the other still shrouded by the reparative eyepiece - shifted up from the device in time to see the lithe, leather-clad woman appear in the middle of the Silvermoon City home's study.

"If I were here to harm you, you'd be in trouble," the rogue said with a smirk.

"As would you, given the wards I've had placed. You were allowed in. Trust me." Bella returned a smirk with equal impudence before shifting back her attention to the clockwork piece. "And you're late, by the by."

"Someone left Orgrimmar in a hurry. Had to take a portal," said the woman, sliding into the seat across from the desk.

"Mm. Same way I arrived," she muttered, not bothering to look back to the hired blade. "Jot it on the expense sheet. What news have you?"

"First, this." She rose, setting the letter on the desk. "From th-... what is that contraption?"

"Hm?" Bella looked up in time to catch the other's gesture towards the clockwork piece. "Oh. Some sort of anagogic chronometer, I believe. No idea what it really does. Never bothered to find out. Been in the family for ages, though. Only reason I still have it is my sister had stolen it in her darker days, but couldn't unload to anyone. She eventually turned it over to me."

"Ah," the woman replied, looking rather unimpressed. "Anyway... that's a letter from the Bay."

"Oh!" Bella set aside the cleaning cloth and plucked up the note. The raven-haired Knight gave a small scoff and a near chuckle as she read through it, sighing as she tossed it aside and reached for her parchment and quill.

Lord Worthington,

Thank you for your kind and timely response.

First, I'll address something of a personal nature. You mentioned Chimera leather. I do believe that would work perfectly for the items I had in mind. You see, I tend to carry crops with me, being both a horse fancier as well as someone who needs something to do with her hands at most times. Having a sturdy crop does wonders in assisting in the reduction of tobacco use, which is one of the main reasons I began carrying a crop ages ago.

Once I can see how fast you can obtain enough Chimera leather to make a dressage whip as well as a standard hunting whip (27 in. in length, both. Black, with delicate red trimmings interwoven. Quality craftsmanship only, please.), we'll see how far we can go with our trade ordeal. While I understand this hinges on your contacts in Kalimdor, perhaps it might behoove you to set the wheel spinning in a faster motion. As my wife says, sometimes fate needs a little push.

This adventure is your choice. Expedience is your friend. Reply via the gentleman in the Bay once more.

And please... do call me Bella.


She sealed the parchment with wax, handing it over to the rogue once the closure had set.

"See that it's delivered, and promptly." A small smile tugged upward at the edges of her lips. "Now... on to other business."
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/31/2011 6:56 AM PDT
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90 Human Hunter
Stalking through the jungles of Stranglethorn, Byrond is knee down hidden between several large sets of bushes and a pair of wild trees foliating the jungle. Occasionally he'll give himself a slap on the face due to the pesky mosquito's trying to jab him once in awhile.

On other parts, it's the steamy hot jungle. Despite the fact that Stranglethorn is located quite close to the sea, there isn't a warning about how humid the place might be. Considering dangerous living organisms such as Raptors even existed here.

Raptors however, are the least of Byrond's problems. He already fashioned himself several raptor tooh necklaces. Screw some children's story on how the Archmage Ronin asks for the assistance of some "legendary" Raptor army by time travelling. For Byrond, he dismissed it as mere children bedtime stories in Dalaran as the only Raptor he sees are the ones about to chomp his face off.

Turning his head to the left, another individual is present. An ubiquitous eldery gentleman, almost 70 years of age. Carrying a set of kettle and tea cups while still persistent on wearing a suit despite the humidity of Stranglethorn.

"Not feeling hot, Walter?" Byrond wipes a sweat from his brow.

"Nay near, not near the slightest!" Walter however, is sweating like a dog.

"Impressive Walter, but feel free to yank that blazer off. Don't have to look all prime and posh in the middle of a Godforsaken jungle which containt Light-Knows-What!"

"I'm aware, Sire but your father always insisted quality control." Walter keeps his cool demeanor despite Byrond can see his sweat slowly evaporating from his butler's baldened head. Just as he finishes this sentence, Byrond's eyes widened at the direction of Walter's shoulder, the butler turned to see a gruff-looking eagle perched casually on Walter's left shoulder.

"Oi, Walter... I know Excelsior likes to perch on your shoulder during feeding times but...how DOES it find it's way all the way from his cage in BOOTY BAY?!?!"

Walter smiled, letting Excelsior jump casually on his arm he notices a tube tied around it's neck. Un-latching the tube, he pulls out a sizeable parchment and unrolled the paper. Scanning it before giving it to Byrond. "It's from your customer 'B', but this time...has identified herself as 'Bella".

Byrond takes the opened parchment, reads it thoroughly before smiling at the contents of the letter.

"A female, eh...?" Byrond's smile seems refined. "Oh, I never turn down offerings from lovely ladies..."

"Sire, it might be a man named Bella...."


"Sire!" The butler snaps at attention.

Gesturing a "give me" motion with his hands towards his butler, Byrond gave him a simple word of order. "Parchment."

In quick succession, Walter opened his rather bulky backpack and pulls out an empty, rolled up parchment.

"Quill and Ink!"

Not to be slow, he yanked both items from inside the baggage as well.


The butler opens a small box which seems to be pulled out of nowhere, presenting the said item to Byrond.

"Tea and Biscuits!"

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90 Human Hunter

In short order, everything was presented to him. Sipping fine Stormwind tea while dipping his quill into the ink bottle he started his letter:

Dear Ms. Bella,

While this might sound unusual, I'm writing this while hunting in the middle of Strangethorn. Yes, I myself had not the slightest idea on how my hunting eagle Excelsior managed to find itself all the way in the middle of Stranglethorn while...locked up in a cage and yanking this parchment from my personal table.

I think my eagle is trying to tell me you must be one heck of a customer to deal business with.

Nevertheless, I'll be another two days in Stranglethorn taking up residence in a small bunk within the Bay. It's not wise going around this town declaring you're a Nobleman, who knows which cut-throat might turn out to shiv you.

But yes, whips in general are easy to craft. Quality craftsmanship is another idea. Now, I'm no mage or expert conjurer so it'll take me a good one month to process everything starting from making sure the leathers arrive, to the final details of the good(s).

The adventure isn't a choice in this case, Ms. Bella. I -am- adventure itself. I shall see to it that this cropping whip is delivered to you personally, by your choice of delivery.

Best Regards,

Lord Byrond Worthington the Second.

P.S. Do you want a special design on the hilt interconnected with the red interwovings?

Finishing the letter, he flapped it on the open to let the ink dry momentarily before rolling it into a sizeable tube and stuffing it back inside the letter canister Excelsior came with. Patting the gallant eagle twice, it flew back towards Booty Bay.

"Now let's just hope Excelsior didn't nibble the letter...."

"Sire? Excelsior is a golden eagle of the finest breed... I don't think it nibbles on parchments."

"True, but I have my fears when I saw it trying to drink from my wine glass this morning..."


((Soooo Sorry I took forever to reply, but here we go! And yes, Byrond is anything but normal <.<)).
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