[RP] Regular Events


90 Night Elf Hunter
This isn't my event, so I'm posting as a courtesy for a friend.

Event name: Slaughtered Lamb Social
Day and time event occurs: Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. RT
Location of event: The Slaughtered Lamb-Mage Quarter- Stormwind
(Ask guard for warlock trainer if you can't find it)
Brief summary: Just a place for people to socialize!
Faction: Alliance
Guild in Charge:<Slaughtered Lamb Social>
Contact: Lillitha

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This is not really an "event," but I think it is a great way to introduce new characters to the RP culture on SoE.

Name: Feed our Recruits!
Day, Time: Every Sunday from 10 am - 1 pm (ST)
Location: Shadowglen, Teldrassil
Contact: Taleis
Description: Hosted by the <Order of the Moon> (orderotmoon.guildportal.com), new night elves are welcomed to the Alliance's cause and given food, water, and a bit of gold to help them get started. (The time is only set because of my own schedule. Anyone can do this at any time...just an idea).
Edited by Taleis on 2/27/2012 3:31 PM PST
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Name: Temple Prayer in Darnassus
Date-Time: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 10 pm (ST)
Location: Temple of Elune in Darnassus
Contact: Taleis
Description: A brief, yet solemn, night prayer to Elune (Tongues and GHI encouraged, but not required)
Guild: <Order of the Moon>
Edited by Taleis on 2/27/2012 5:37 PM PST
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Just an FYI: Prayer in the Temple is on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday every week. It is currently listed under Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Thanks for letting me know!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I'll fix the calendar on the sisters site.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
As an update Storytelling on the Green and The Song and Tankard are being moved in time to 8:30PM server due to Vil's new schedule.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Event name: Tavern night
Day and time event occurs: Sunday 7:30-9:30 server time
Location of event: Stormwind Mage District-The Blue Recluse
Brief summary: a time for people to drink and relax.share their travels with others and met up with friends
Faction: Alliance
Information last updated:
Guild or group in charge: Moon Council
Hostess: Darkling
Edited by Fallenleaf on 10/15/2012 9:46 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
Just an FYI:
An update to the Song and Tankard standing event:

Day and time event occurs: Every other Friday at 8pm server time (re-Start date: 01/25/2013)

Any questions, private message Talibah or Jaylik on the sisters' site.

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100 Blood Elf Mage
Hi All,

The original posting is very old now, but I want to let everyone know that the open RP event Storytellings hosted by The Broken House are still happening every Sunday at 7 pm server by the bonfire on the third tier of Thunder Bluff. We've been going strong for 5+ years, and longer than that with the Storytellings' original founding guild, The Crimson Phalanx. There is a WrA Story Circle hosted by The Earthspear Tribe at 8:30 SoE time in the same place, and the better turn out we have the more we let WrA players know that SoE RP is still active. I'm all for cross realm RP interactions, but have a bit of pride in my server, too.

You can see more on the event and selected past tales at brokenhouse.guildportal.com under Forums, then Storytellings.
Edited by Eleya on 4/2/2013 7:13 PM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
Edited by Murdrich on 9/8/2013 9:01 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Priest
Since the <Order of the Moon> is disbanded, Prayer in the Temple has been discontinued.

However, as the <Knights of the Two Moons> continues to recruit, its roleplaying members will decide what community events they would like to host.

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90 Night Elf Hunter
I haven't seen Lillitha around, so I think the Slaughtered Lamb Social has been discontinued.
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