[H] Mistwalkers - Raiders for 10 man

85 Goblin Shaman
[H] Mistwalkers is looking for a few experienced players to round out our 10-man raid.

A bit about Mistwalkers:

- Our guild has a history of successful 10-man progression during Wrath of the Lich King and we are currently 9/12 on Cataclysm normal content.

- We are a level 20 guild.

- We consider ourselves a 'casual' and a 'progression' guild. In other words, we don't raid 4 nights a week for 4 hours (usually due to real life commitments, jobs, family, etc). That being said, we expect "more with less" of our raid members given our schedule (watching encounter videos ahead of raids, making sure to be properly geared, gemmed, flasked, etc.). With the right handful of new players, we expect to push deep into the rest of normal raid content.

- We are seeking a couple strong raiders to round out our progression 10-man. Roles needed are variable as we have enough hybrid-spec coverage.

- Our current main raid times are Tues/Weds (occassional Sunday as well) from 8pm - 11pm server time. These may be adjusted quarterly to best fit the needs of the raid. If you are interested in the guild but have issues with our schedule, I always encourage players to still contact us to discuss how things might fit.

- We have players that are interested in PVP. We have run a few rated battlegrounds in the past on a limited basis and we have members with active arena play outside of regular PVE activities. Given that Sisters of Elune is not a heavy PVP-oriented realm, a few of us are currently in the process of trying to form an inter-guild geared/progression PVP group to supplement PVE activity. If you are an individual or guild interested in grouping resources for PVP, please contact Grazlo.

You can contact Grazlo or Bobski in game for more information.
Additionally, you can apply at www.mistwalkers.net or send Grazlo an email at grazlomw@gmail.com
The website contains additional information about the guild including supplemental rules/guidelines in addition to the above.
Edited by Gevlon on 4/17/2011 5:28 AM PDT
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85 Goblin Shaman
Come on folks, Grazlo has a weekly quota to fill to keep his raid spot. :)
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85 Blood Elf Priest
I'm interested however you do not want more priests, and I would not like to join into your guild to run with you. If you change your mind however, here is where I stand. Wearing heroic gear with each faction's epics. Have never done a cataclysm raid before except for Baradin Hold.

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100 Tauren Druid
Just to update: We're looking for one additional player of each role (i.e. 1 tank, 1 dps, 1 healer)
Drop me a PST or email me at grazlomw@gmail.com if you would like to join our raid.
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100 Tauren Druid
Update: Currently 7/12 on normal content. Still looking for one or two solid raiders to fill our ranks and strengthen our depth as we work our way to 12/12. We have enough hybrid specs to move things around, so open to different roles.

PST me for more info...
Edited by Grazlo on 4/5/2011 10:25 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
8/12 as of 4/7/11.
Still looking for 1 or 2 quality raiders as we push for 12/12.

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100 Tauren Druid
9/12 as of 4/12/11.
We're making good strides on content progress- if you've got some good experience as a raider and are looking for a casual, yet focused progression group- give us a look.
Hoping to knock down Cho'gall within the next week.
Edited by Grazlo on 4/13/2011 11:06 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
So I went to your site but my pc security sytem aparently doesnt want me to do anything lol. I have 3 toons raid ready.
Surv / MM Hunter ilvl is 352
Ele/ Resto shammy ilvl 350
and a holy / shadow priest ilvl 346

Your raid times and days are ABSOLUTLY perfect for me. I will be at work until about 830pm server time but I will be in touch in game asap. If you wanna look up my toons feel free, names are linndrah (hunter ) Elysah (shammy ) and Leighah ( priest )
I love to raid, know about half the fights because I havent been able to raid in a bit, always come flasked, well fed, and ready to go 10-15 min before raid time.
I would LOVE to at try to run with you guys this next week :) talk to you soon!
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100 Tauren Druid
4/28/2011 Update -

- We are primarily seeking a tank (although we are open to all roles).
If interested, please contact me in game or through grazlomw@gmail.com

- Now a level 21 guild
Edited by Grazlo on 4/28/2011 7:28 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
Level 22.

Any tanks out there?
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