World PvP Bounty Hunters!

85 Blood Elf Rogue
i got the Idea from Wyrmrest Accord forums.. when i was on the server at the time.. This is quite fun to me. But just trying to bring a little world PvP to all the people of SoE!
Okay, so here's how it all breaks down.

First, you need a target that is willing to stay flagged untill killed. No exceptions for deflaggingWhich could very well be awhile untill killed. ((Reason= Can't kill them un-flagged.))
When you finally kill your target, take a screenshot of the killing blow from your combat log. and post it for proof. ((So we know you're not lying.))
First come, First serve basis, as in You get the killing blow, you get the reward, but do mind if you had help in killing the target, as they might want some profit also. The target can be killed at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
If you are willing to be a target write a comment below or Message me in-game or mail.. Horde-Lupo , Alliance-Dragula so that i can reply to the topic and list your name as a bounty. I will try to keep as active as possible on this. But every one is busy sometimes.

I will supply the funds for a while untill this picks up if it does.. and if it does, after a while i will be taking donations if you wanted to help out. I won't be able to fund it forever though.
Each bounty will start at 50G, each week the person survives i'll throw in more gold to the bounty and or any gold donated will go to the bounty also, if you do happen to donate, also say for which bounty. Any idea's or questions? Comment below.
EDIT- Forgot to add something important. NO CAMPING people.

Bounties Available:
Budokaii - Horde - 50gold
Edited by Lupo on 3/14/2011 1:17 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Don't forget there's zones like the Gurubashi Arena which is a FFA!

Would be fun to have a lil' bloodbath there too. Best of luck with this!
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Bring the pain <3
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85 Blood Elf Rogue

Reason: Transferred off server.
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85 Draenei Death Knight
Meh, I'd be willing to be the target of a bounty. Lol. Just go easy on me.

If i kill the bounty hunters, what do I win?
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85 Human Warlock
Hey Ice..... Tis me Enchantee

I will be a willing participant. However I will not simply roll over and take it either.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I like this idea a lot. But where in the hell have you ever seen Budokaii Flag up outside of the cities. Never. So I doubt this will have much effectiveness unless it is planned out a little more. I don't exactly know how I'd kill him if I'm Horde either. Will I have to see him in one of the arenas, or a duel?
Edited by Ramza on 3/28/2011 3:59 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Reason: Transferred off server.

That's probably the reason you haven't seen Budo flag up Ram >>
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Flag up or not. I still cannot attack them. I'm not just talking about Budo.
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85 Worgen Warrior
I'm flagged 24-7 and welcome the challenge. I've had some rough bouts lately but I'm never one to back down.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
So has anyone actually been trying to do this?
Edited by Kezvak on 4/6/2011 11:50 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock

Reason: Transferred off server.

I assumed it was canceled by that. x.x
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Figured someone else could still be doing it even if he xfered
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