[H] Raid mount groups?

100 Troll Warlock
Seeking to either form or possibly join a group that will spend a afternoon once a week farming for the various mounts that drop off raid bosses. IE Ony, OS3D Maly and TK, the first three being both 10-25 man groups.

Obviously OS36 would be the "easiest" as its a guarenteed drop. Easy concept which Im sure a good few of you have taken part of before, do the bosses, roll for the mount should it drop, repeat till all have the mount. Something along those lines anyways!

Sadly, Im very restricted in play time, Monday afternoons would be about the only real time I could put into doing all seven runs.

Very late/early for me, so this isnt fully fleshed, just tossing out the idea to see what nibbles it lands. Would very much like to do this though.
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depending on time / my work schedual. I could attend. Im a resto / feral Druid
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