[A/H RP] Good Stuff: Positive RP Experiences

90 Blood Elf Paladin
There's been a good deal of focus lately on the "darker side" of roleplay here on SoE.

With all the goings on, the growing pains, and the addressing of issues that actually did need it but were a little heavy, I think we may need to pause a tick and share some "good stuff" with each other.

So, SoE (red and blue, alike), step back a moment and share with us...

What good things have happened to you as of recent - IC or OOC - with regards to roleplay?

Peace, Love, and Lok'tar,
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh boy, there's lots actually.

Random RP in Orgrimmar.
More TRP and MRP proflies. (love reading those)
Learning new lore!
Meeting new roleplayers.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
A tall, delicious Draenei clopped (hoof-walked) around the corner into Stormwind's Trade District. She took notice of a white-haired elf girl who was sitting on a Mekgineer's Chopper fixing her lipgloss in the side mirror. The elf caught sight of the paladin at the same time and smiled to herself before shifting into reverse, backing up to the Draenei with a gentle ease of the engine.

(( Random RP is random, but it was good. Thanks Taemra. ))
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Random RP everywhere, really on my myriad of alts I have run into RP on almost all of them.
Great Story Tellings
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I have a ton to share, but I'll start with a few:

  • Random RP in Org!

  • Spending 90c on ingame mail to send "thank you" notes and connect others, then watching the character stories of three other people start to take shape and blossom from it.

  • Watching someone who would otherwise be labeled a griefer start to take part and learn about RP.

  • Having someone take notice of Bella's wardrobe changes just from oboard postings alone. (Fashion is HARD WORK when you only have a few hundred items to work with, people! ;) <3 Aeralynn!)

  • Getting to have my character atone for something that happened ICly well over a year ago in "real life" time.

  • Mending a fence nearly torn down two years ago OOCly.

  • Seeing someone stick their toe into writing out-of-game about their character and liking it.

  • Watching folks discover anew what made me fall in love with this server about four years ago.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/21/2011 11:06 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh so many. So, so many good memories.

- Awesome random RP with awesome people; new and old.

- Opening my mind to more potential with my characters.

- Re-building burned bridges.

- The fact that I have more people to invite to Tabit and Molly's wedding. (Been married for years, just now getting the ceremony done.) And finding both someone to perform the wedding and the idea of the bachelor(ette) party. <.<

- Discussing life-altering lore events IC.

- Watching others come out of their shell.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
I've never done RP before, and I dont believe its for me however I did witness this one moment on this characters total noob days of a Lv.16 priest leveling out of Silvermoon on this disc/holy/shadow freak of nature hybrid.

I logged on one day inside Silvermoon like normal and I had actually logged into the very center of a wedding in progress! I quickly got out of the way and watched. There was probably 20 or so people in this and the priest had asked the groom if he would say yes and he hesitated and then *drank poison* and used Feint death to act like he would rather of died then be forced into a marriage.
Edited by Skandradron on 3/21/2011 9:22 PM PDT
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Have to say I'm enjoying the not twiddling my thumbs while trying to think of something witty to say or suffering through awkward silence because for the life of people they think they must. Nope instead found a large community that actually -wants- to sit around and have in depth discusions in character. As well as support one another with creative means.

I fell in love with SoE over a year ago, and was brought into RP nearly 5 years ago. While I have Rp'd elsewhere SoE is home both Alliance and Horde. It is really refreshing to see things coming back to feeling that way. Soo totally looking forward to all that comes.

As for my positive moments, lets see;

Mai'ryx has met a good number of people, and I apaologise I'm still learning names so i wont go into a least for fear of forgetting some one.

Have had an awesome guild idea and decided to run with it and all is shaping up nicely, nothing rushed but just feels right.

For once in a long while havent been phased by griefers, usually the shy part of me kicks in and they mess me up. But there have been a small number I have run into but they soon left once they got the hint they weren't welcome to act the way they were.

Nehoo before I rant on and on all day...
Keeping my fingers crossed for more awesome times ^.^
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82 Human Rogue
A very cool shaman came up to me when I was on an undead toon of mine, out in the world questing. This led to some neat RP development for my little undead guy's story. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
A slightly crooked goblin and Bella had an interesting conversation, which could lead to a "business deal" regarding "reallocated" ice cream being sold in Orgrimmar via street peddling.

Gotta love the grey market. ;)

Didn't learn until the RP was over that it was his first time roleplaying. Would never have thought it, either, because he did exceptionally well! Thank you! :D
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85 Night Elf Druid
Don't know if it counts, because the roleplayers were from another server - but they're considering coming to SoE because of it, so I figured I'd share!

I recently rolled a blood elf warlock and decided late last night to do a random dungeon because I couldn't sleep. About five minutes into the run, it was clear that our tank and one of the dps were going to be a problem - as they kept porting in and out of the instance and typing nonsense in party chat - however for some reason we couldn't kick them, and they refused to leave.

We resigned ourselves to 3-manning the dungeon. The other two knew each other and worked well together, and since I'm a lazy mofo with lots of heirlooms [meaning I can spam whatever keys I like at that level and put out good damage] we were doing fine. Suddenly the priest says something in /say, when up to now she's been speaking in party chat. It looks vaguely IC, and though my warlock doesn't really have a story yet I played along.

We ended up roleplaying through the rest of the dungeon. Nothing in-depth, some of it was severely ad-libbed through our many mishaps - but it had us all laughing and enjoying the slow process of working through WC with 3 people. Towards the end I thanked them and asked them if they roleplayed a lot. The priest said no - it was just something she'd always wanted to try in game, coming from a forum roleplay background [same as me!]. When she saw I was from SoE, she'd decided to give it a go. I was very vocal about how freaking awesome that was, and they told me they might roll alts here at some point to look me up.

Easily one of the best experiences I've had with random rp. I really hope they do come for a visit!
Edited by Hiccup on 3/23/2011 2:57 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I've always enjoyed roleplaying in dungeons, but had slowly faded out of that during the endless heroic grinds in WotLK. However, during my early stages of being with <Underground Covenant> we decided to do a guild run of Grim Batol. At one point Viloche had to go afk (go hordeside to change some BE's diaper) for 10-15 minutes, so the four of us still there sat by some rubble, a warm brazier and I told them a story about Aeralynn and her best friend who died - all IC. It was actually pretty neat to see how all the random images and ideas in my head for Aera's past turned into an indepth tale. There were tears and shivers and gasps and solid emotions. I had fun and I thank them for that.

So the moral is: Just because you're in a dungeon (for whatever reason), don't think that RP isn't possible. (As Hiccup experienced)
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90 Night Elf Warrior
To partially echo Aeralynn, it can happen anywhere. I was at the AH in Darnassus and bumped int a Night Elf Mage. It was great becasue the mage played her part warily at first and ICly responded by my charater's accpetance of her class. We RPed a bit more after that as I introduced her to other folks in my guild. It was one of great little moments we have been having everyday.

You just never know when those little gems are going to happen, either during a plot or at a random "Walk-up". We just have to be open to it.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

- The fact that I have more people to invite to Tabit and Molly's wedding. (Been married for years, just now getting the ceremony done.) And finding both someone to perform the wedding and the idea of the bachelor(ette) party. <.<

I want to perform the wedding!
I'm good, I swear!
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
When's this bachelor(ette) party going down? Cuz I want to see some dancing girls, and good ones, not just the wannabe's who do it for free in Goldshire.

[Random Person]: Um Aeralynn, didn't I see you dancing there once?
[Me]: Naw, that was probably just some 58 Night Elf DK. I only dance in Tol Barad.
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85 Draenei Shaman
As a note: Anay is always willing to dance, if asked nicely.

Good Stuff that's happened? Well I have to say story lines. I myself am not really a story teller, but I do love being a part of them. Recently, I've been involved both her and on WrA and I love it.

Also, more MRP profiles. Love them.
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