Trying to find people to build up a viable good 3v3 comp to push to high rating, I don't wanna sound like an ass, but please already have gear, around 3kish res. <3
LF 3v3 team
Yo, bro i've fought you a few times, you arnt to bad. If you are willing to travel i'd be glad to join you. If not best of luck in trying to find some one.
I'm actually bad
80 Draenei Shaman
Hey look its Felydar, I saw that screenshot of you saying thats you, so you cant sneak outta that, you're not very sneaky.
I'm done trying to say i'm not. So, one last time i'm not Felydar.
80 Draenei Shaman
And your words will fall on deaf ears, we all know its you, what does it matter?
What's the deal with Felydar being Felydar or not being Felydar for being Felydar anyway? <.<
I have no idea ask hek the rogue i have proved to not be Felydar to him.
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