(A) Sacrosanct needs dps! (10man)

85 Night Elf Druid
Yes, you heard me. We need a melee dps and preferably of the leather wearing variety (note: wearing leather in real life does not count) or a tanking type (yet again, preferably a leather wearing bear). We are currently 10/12 and looking for someone with some experience from this expansion and prior raid experience. Please keep in mind, if we need to tell you what resources you should be using to answer "What should I gem" and "What should I enchant" like questions the lumberjacks will come chop down the raid's resto druid (a.k.a. ME).

Our raid times are Tues/weds/thurs from 5pm - 8:30pm server.

Some things we look for in a raider. Reliability, including a dependable internet connection and personal punctuality, ie.. showing up on time consistently. Preparedness, showing up with consumables for 3.5 hours worth or raiding as well as knowing encounters improving your raid awareness. Maturity. And enjoying semi-inappropriate comments from our warlock.

Requirements: A brain, a boss mod, common sense, and Mumble. (http://mumble.sourceforge.net/)

Feel free to contact me in game. You can find me on Drúadan, Shauraria, or Calsy. And in the off hand rare chance that I am not online, feel free to send mail!


To make it short and simple:
- Feral Druid (tank or dps)
- Rogue
- Enhance Shaman
- Hunter
All that qualify to the above, mail me.
Edited by Drúadan on 3/23/2011 6:13 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Yes: Feral Druid, Rogue, Enhancement Shaman.

No: Warrior, Ret Paladin, Death Knight.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Or a tanky type (druid). Paranitis would give you candy.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Oh god, yes please! A Druid tank would be a fantastic thing to have!

Me having to tank is like a dude in prison taking it up the backdoor for a pack of smokes. No seriously, you know they secretly are cool with it, but they have to put on a show to impress the other prisoners who don't like an easy...wait, what the hell are we talking about again?

Oh right, yes to a Druid tank!
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85 Human Paladin
Also, for 10 minutes out of every raid, I dance half naked over someones corpse by the elevator in BRD.

Also, a druid tank would be nice.
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85 Worgen Mage
i have a hunter he's not to geared though he's like just up to heroic level
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85 Night Elf Druid
Poke me in game.
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85 Worgen Mage
i went to the website but underneath the application section it didnt have anywhere for me to post my app.
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