Talion [RP, Collaboration]

85 Blood Elf Warlock
The baroness rubbed her eyes as she rose from the day bed she'd become so well-acquainted with the past few nights. Her well-manicured fingertips massaged the back of her stiff neck as her fel-ridden eyes fixated upon the table near the cottage's door. Without her spectacles, her vision blurred at the white envelope settling upon it.

Approaching the wooden furniture her hands grasped the monocle settling beside the pile of mail, although one letter caught her eye; the writing unfamiliar, but neat and careful. Taking the envelope into her hand, she made her way across the room to find her spectacles laying upon her desk.

After placing the needed framewear upon her face, she opened the letter. Her lips mumbled subconsciously while she read the woman's plight, soon settling in the intricate desk chair. Removing a quill from an entire holder of them and a piece of parchment from a stack, she began to reply.

Miss Shinestrong,

Do not fret over possible informalities or potential intrusion. I do know your aunt quite well in addition to Misses Frostleaf as they have been colleagues and comrades for a few years. I am aware of and have involved myself in your aunt's plight and would not mind in the slightest to impart my knowledge unto you. After all, this is not only a battle for she or you or I.

As such, I'd prefer to speak in person in an obscure area since the spies run rampant all over the cities. I'd hate for you to experience what myself and another dear friend of mine went through. I will be inviting him along as well, if you do not object. He can recall more of the experience than I can, seeing how I was unconscious for part of it.

I shall meet you at the entrance of Sunfury Spire at the stroke of Midnight. From there, we can discuss where to speak further on such matters. If you do believe your friend is truly in danger, we must act with haste.

Baroness Lytendrah Ellorah Mahy

Snapping her fingers over a burgundy wax candle, she allowed the wax to melt for a few moments before lifting it and placing a few drops over the envelope's edge in a seal. After the pool of wax settled, she pressed her signet ring into it.

"Helgrave," she called, rising from her desk as the faithful voidwalker approached her, shadows billowing about him. With empty glowing eyes, he inquired in the raspy tone the demon held, "Yes mistress?"

"Take this to the address upon the envelope, do not hand it to her, but place it directly into her box. I'd rather not give her reason to fright if she is no accustomed to people practicing in my.. art." She smiled as the demon grasped the envelope with a nod, "As you wish.."

Turning her back to him, she began to scribe another note for her housemate upon a notepad she'd left appropriately by his things.

Tonight we both have a meeting with Bella's niece. Be prepared for travel, though I needn't remind you. We'll leave the house shortly before midnight this evening.

Edited by Ellorah on 4/5/2011 4:17 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

There were only a handful of traits she had inherited from her mother, her curiosity was one of them. It was the inspiring force that lead her through the difficulties that life dealt her, it drove her to keep challenging herself and to always find an answer. But most importantly it kept her from settling, from becoming stagnant. She associated that stillness, that reluctance to open to the world around them, with Arthas' incursion through Quel'thalas. She feared that, dying without truly experiencing everything Azeroth had to offer. Most of all she feared leaving those she loved behind and now it had finally happened, her curiosity had landed her in more trouble she could afford to crawl out of.

"This is sacred ground." Anger roiled through every syllable as the mysterious orc approached her.

Her fel green eyes darted around, searching for something she could use to keep the intruder at a safe distance. "I had the elders' blessing for this," she tried reasoning with him.

"You should not be here!"

Panic began to overwhelm her, for the first time in her life she was completely helpless. She had left all her armor and weapons back in the Orgrimmar rental, after all this was a place for meditation not fighting. The only thing she had brought with her were the simple Spring robes she had won a few years back and a small bag with her hearthstone.

Lightning fell from the sky at the orc's call, its brunt force of it was enough to knock the knight off her feet and send her soaring down the cliff...

And then darkness.

She felt the essence of life leave her, a mere whimper slipping past her lips as she lay askew on the dirt. Just as death's cold embrace swept over her it happened.

Light surged through her. It was a mere trickle at first but it grew in force, each surge more powerful than the one before. Her spirit was inches from being lost in the nether when one final desperate jolt cursed through her.

A raspy gasp left her lips as air filled her lungs. She could feel another's embrace around her and for a brief instant it was all serene. But just as quickly as she had been yanked from death's grip the pain of her many wounds overcame her. She could hear voices coming and going, all of them familiar. Bells had brought her back from the dead, Rongar had helped stabilize her, Narin had made it so she could breathe easy. She was unconscious by the time Ellorah had moved her into the city.


A day had passed since the attack, never once did the knight leave her wife's side. But though the redhead's shell lay at her side, Kylea was far from the small Orgrimmar rental.

She awakened, surprised to find herself back at Spirit Rock. Her fel green eyes narrowed as she looked around, expecting the menacing orc to ambush her. But nothing came.

Bells. Her lips moved soundlessly as she called for the other it was then that it dawned upon her.

When she first journeyed here she had found comfort in the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, of the wind racing through the peaks, of the perfect life within Durotar. There was nothing but silence.

Welcome back.

Her eyes widened as she heard the soft voice, standing right before the Spirit Rock was the white coyote she had met earlier with Rongar.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((From "The Talion Arc – A Summation and Post Listing", as found on http://bellaboldvalor.wordpress.com.

Talion (ˈtælɪən)
— n
the system or legal principle of making the punishment correspond to the crime; retaliation.

It was both very brave and foolish for me to say that I would go back and compile a list of all the posts for the Talion/Twilight’s Hammer arc. At first glance, I thought it started with a post made on 3/27/11. As I paged back and read earlier entries, it dawned on me that it actually began with a single post made on February 12, 2011.

Including both “journals” and stories, the arc (proper) spans over a total of roughly 60 entries across three blogs. This doesn’t include portions written by other participants, though those will be noted in the list below. As well, I’m afraid that it really isn’t over. Before you groan and facepalm, let me explain.


For the rest of this post and a complete listing of all entries for this story arc (both mine and others), please visit:


Thanks for reading, and a heartfelt thanks to all those who participated! :3
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