Resto Shaman looking for 10man

90 Pandaren Shaman
Hello, I am currently looking for a casual yet progressive group or guild to join a 10man on the alliance side. I know the majority of the fights 2/4 bot and 4/6 BWD and 1/2 Throne of the Four Winds. on this character. however have cleared 5/6bwd and 3/4bot and 1/2 Throne of the Four Winds on my other character. My avaliable raid times are Sat,Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed 5-5:30server to 8-8:30 server. I am also able to bring my own flasks and consumables. I can be reached in game on Sulasan or Sullaa Thanks for your time :) score: 4389

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Edited by Sulåa on 3/21/2011 8:34 AM PDT
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90 Pandaren Shaman
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I'd be very interested in having you come in on our raids, but we go 7-9, would extending your raid time 30 minutes wed/thurs be out of the question? We supply all flasks for our consistant raiders.
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90 Pandaren Shaman
30minutes really isnt that big of time extension so that would work for me :) Wednesdays would be fine but I have prior comitments that I have to fulfill on Thursdays. anything but Thurs/Friday is good since i have no commitments except those two days.
Edited by Sulasan on 3/21/2011 3:51 PM PDT
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ok, find me in game, we do mostly farm bosses on wednesday, progression thursday, and we have a druid that can't make it most wednesdays, so you'd almost surely have a spot. We're 7/12 right now, workin on atramedes. Let me know!
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90 Pandaren Shaman
I sent you a in game mail since i did not see you on when i came on lastnight
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ok, I should be online around 6pm server, then possibly again on later, around 9pm also.
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