Taking A Break

100 Worgen Death Knight
Hey folks, just wanted to say that I'm going to be taking a break from WoW for a month or two so I can focus on my writing, with an eye towards being published. For the people I've RP'd with, thank you so much for including me in your RP; for Poni, who did such an awesome job of taking screenshots of our assaults on the Forsaken in Hillsbrad, led by the mighty Ehlina Vargas, for the people who always welcomed me to open RP in the Blue Recluse, and for the others I've come across.<br/><br/>My account isn't going anywhere, and I'll be poking in from time to time to say "hi", but in the meantime, while I'm on this hiatus, I wanted to thank everyone for continuously making Cenarion Circle an awesome realm to be on, and a place I'm really looking forward to returning to once I get a bit further in my writing.
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85 Human Paladin
Been fun having ya around Brynn and we'll probably be here when ya get back=)
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Byrnnaea, enjoy the time off and good luck on getting published! We (the RP community) will always be here for when you're bored!
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