[H] Resto / Feral Druid LF a guild

Hi, I'm a Resto / Feral Druid thats currently looking for a guild.

Currently I'm not easily able to raid, due to internet issues, however I am looking for a reputable guild that I'll be able to PvP / Level with until the summer when I'm able to raid. Hopefully, at that time I'll be able to Raid with that same guild.

Many on the server might know me better by my DK, Symmasris from Wrath.

Leave me a message here or a mail on Rhyas if you wish to get a hold of me.

Thank you for your time!
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90 Tauren Druid

Join CSI! DO IT.

EDIT: The guild does weekly PvP events now led by Shiancoe, and we're constantly running heroics and such.
Edited by Surehoof on 3/21/2011 1:19 PM PDT
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