Frog Brew Fry; [H] RP Idea, LF Thoughts Thnx!

With alot of the events taking place in Silvermoon and now some in Org. I had a thought of perhaps having a troll version of a southern fish fry and calling it a Frog Brew Fry. Could possibly have a live band RP of sorts (i.e a youtube playlist to set a background tone), Frog leg cook off maybe throw in some other recipes, of course ale/brew, bonfire, maybe a relay race. Basicly a big party/festival for folks to socialize and have fun out and about enjoying the tropical Echo Isles.

Any comments on thoughts or interests would be greatly appreciated. ^.^
Edited by Mairyx on 3/25/2011 4:00 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'd be willing to lend Kali's culinary skills for this!
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An off thought, perhaps if more RP guilds or groups want to be involved, each group could run an even within certain parameters to help introduce themselves? Similarly to how some colleges do Frat and Sorority booths during rush... Just another posibility for the event.
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I'm on board. Sadly, my cooking skills are lacking, but I will schlep all the [Cup of Frog Venom Brew] I can carry to the event.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm in! :3 Just let me know what you need! :D

I KNOW we have to have some "multicultural" types out there, if not just some hardcore Troll folks wanting to rep!
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/26/2011 6:27 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Order of Discord is on board! Just say the word (and the day and time) and we'll be there. I can think of a few possible "booths" we could set up as well, if you decide to incorporate other guilds.

I would also be happy to offer up my cow's cooking skills if they are needed.
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Would love to incorporate other guilds, think it would make things a little easier as far as work load, not to mention help possible new RP'ers see what types of guilds are here. Wouldnt even mind if raid/social/etc guilds were out and about as long as everyone plays respectfully and avoid griefing as much as possible. Earth Mother knows they may be about. So guess the next step would be setting a date and time and making a post to see what guilds would be interested in the event. Then onto hammering out details onthe particular mini events/booths.
Edited by Mairyx on 3/26/2011 12:43 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hot Voodoo Head!
We gather participants in a circle, a voodoo head is tossed around in a circle. The person calling for the end will be at the other side of the island doing a /y when time's up!
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Looking at dates, May 13th is a Friday *giggles* And is close enough not to be horribly far out, but far enough to be able to organize appropriately. Not to mention it would be ironicly fun to have a troll festival on friday the 13th. Yay/Nay?

And BTW <3 the idea Kalico ^.^
Edited by Mairyx on 3/26/2011 3:01 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
This sounds so awesome, I wouldn't know who to bring. Could definitely be a weekly event. :D Or monthly.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Thoughts: An uncivilized event. Only for Orcs and Trolls. Maybe some Tauren.
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