Looking for healer

85 Orc Warrior
Seeking partner for 2v2 arena. Must enjoy bloodshed,mayhem and causing havoc and destruction and consider the words "let's camp them till they deflag" a turn on.

Must be able to handle the possible stress caused with qusi-series play but enjoy improving and striving ahead! Please be interested in a long term relationship of the nature of both arena, and general pvp. That would be ideal.
Must be willing to share attention with my axe.


Contact in game or reply here.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
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85 Orc Warrior
*sees 2hander* o_O nvm..
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I don't blame the average Orc to flirt with a masculine Elf like myself. /wink
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85 Orc Warrior
Sorry uhh.. sweety? Yeah we will go with that.

I am looking for someone who can heal not a guy who throws around the occasional Word of Glory to make me feel better while in turn empowering your selflessness.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm Ramza of Hit it and Crit it, and I approve of his message.
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85 Orc Warrior
Still looking for that special healer.
No gear? No experience? No problem! I am willing to help and teach as best I can.
If you've ever been too scared or intimidated of the arena now's the best time to try it out and see how much fun it can be!

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85 Blood Elf Priest
I've started doing arenas last week so Im capped at 1343 / 1343 until tomorrow on Tuesday. That makes me have 2465 Conquest points so I can almost get my pvp weapons. I've logged off in my pvp set so you can see it. I was doing 3vs3 with an arms warrior and a ret pally but in 2vs2 I die so quickly. I'm lacking the skill to not die and its pissing me off. I've gotten this new idea to mind control one of their players and then you kill the other, but I've never tried it.

If any of this hasn't made you loss your confidence in me, then give me a shout online.

Edit: I just dropped my Shadow spec for a full PVP spec so I feel more confident. Now my pvp spec will have a better renew, pain suppression while stunned, 50% more armor from Inner fire, spell warding of 6%, and desperate prayer for 30% of my hp back.
Edited by Skandradron on 3/28/2011 11:42 PM PDT
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