Just ran my second heroic with Vidar...

100 Worgen Druid
Vidar is a true gentleman (or lady... you can't tell over the internet!) and I must say they are beyond fantastic healing and very understanding with noobs like me. I was tanking on my Pally (chÉÉzÉ) and Vidar was very helpful and patient. This is my personal "Thank you" and appreciation thread to Vidar!!! I wish more people were like Vidar!!! I know it's unlikely but I hope in the future that I run with Vidar or some one of Vidars caliber!!!

Once again, thank you for the heals, advice and patience!!!
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100 Human Paladin
Just incase anyone thinks it's a self promo or some crap... LOL... =)
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85 Draenei Death Knight
It IS cool to run into nice, helpful people in game.

I'm sure they appreciate the compliment, too. :D

PS: This is really LightOne. Have to steal the hubbie's account to post until Fall. ;-)
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More calling out of awesomeness, less calling of noobery. I approve.

We should all make a point to call out awesomneness.
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100 Orc Shaman
Plainswander is awesome!
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