The half-elf looked over her penmanship each time before submitting the advertisement to the correct sources and bulletins to be hung, pursing her lips in resentment. It hadn't seemed to be good enough for what they required, but time had been cut, and so it would have to do.

To whom this may interest:

My husband and I are looking for someone qualifying in performing a wedding. That ought to be simple enough, though it seems harder and harder to find people willing or those ordained that haven't gone to help the plight of Azeroth.

A bit of a back story is that my husband and I have been wed by law for some time-- nearly three years, but truly did not have a wedding. We're an interracial couple, and to some this poses a problem. The person we will have perform the wedding must be tolerant of this, it isn't negotiable. We will not force someone to do something they do not believe in.

In any case, should you feel up to the task, please submit your interest via mail. The wedding is on April the 15th. Experience isn't necessary, but caring about your work is.

Misses Molly S. Frostleaf

As she stood back from the parchment she nodded, accepting the way it was and leaving it. She then turned on her leather-clad heel and returned home.

((OOC Info: Submit interest either in this thread or in-game. :3 Enjoy?))