AAMS Presence at Barrens Attack

88 Gnome Death Knight

The AAMS Alliance Branch is aware that a courier, Vasilia by name, was present at an attack on the Horde settlement of Desolation Hold in the Southern Barrens.

Our understanding of the situation is that the courier had come to the Barrens to meet with AAMS CEO Sulfon, and received word that he was traveling south due to an attack. Camp Triumph was attacked as she landed, and she was caught up in the fighting.

Following the fighting in the hopes of meeting with Sulfon, the courier was drawn into the combat near Desolation Hold. She was caught in the melee and forced beyond the gates, where she fought to defend herself until she could escape.

The AAMS obviously regrets any damage our employee did, and will speak with the guards at Desolation Hold regarding appropriate reparations. We do not, however, believe that any member of the AAMS willingly took arms against either the Horde or the Alliance in more than confusion of battle and necessary self-defense. Courier Vasliki will be fined and confined to Alliance lands until further notice, to prevent any further misunderstandings.

The AAMS position regarding neutrality and combat remains unchanged. We do not participate in factional conflict, and are dedicated to non-violent, communications-based solutions. Anyone with questions or concerns may feel free to contact either CEO Sulfon or myself.


AAMS Alliance Branch Manager Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Edited by Aeldgyth on 3/26/2011 3:58 PM PDT
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85 Tauren Paladin
Lithune stares at the letter in disbelief.

Slap on the wrist, fined...

Don't believe she willingly took arms against the horde.

Lithune then tacks a reply to this letter very hastily written

I was there, I saw your little courier leave Fort Triumph with the squad of people who then preceded to murder guards at Desolation Hold. There was no misunderstanding, there was no non violence, she was in the middle of the hold helping to murder grunts and guards. I may be speaking out of turn, but as long as she is waving yer banner, I and i'm sure the defenders of the hold won't be viewin any of you as nuetral.
She wanted to stay nuetral? She wouldn't have gone and helped murder those orcs. Tha AAMS should know better then any alliance right now that tensions are high in OUR Barrens, since we used ya to deliver the messages!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Miss Lithune, Ishnu Por Ah
FROM: Communications Officer Andelia Windtouched, AAMS


I believe a great deal of this confusion and upset may have to do with the standard Courier Vasilia is being held to. She is, so far as I know, inexperienced as both a courier and a combatant. What may seem like a very clear-cut military situation to people who have served with experienced outfits can look like a life-or-death disaster to a raw recruit.

Having had my own taste of battle, I frankly do believe that Courier Vasili could have thought her best hope of contacting Sulfon -- indeed of survival -- was to cleave to the Alliance force that struck out in reprisal for an attack on Camp Triumph. She landed in the middle of combat on a peaceful job, and was swept along from there. It has made things awkward for us and I imagine that in hindsight she has thought of many better courses of action, but it remains that her decisions were made out of fear and inexperience, not malice.

The AAMS is keenly aware of the tensions in the Barrens, and still holds out hope of a peaceful settlement. We hope to continue working with Ishnu Por Ah to make the positions of the Horde clear to the Alliance forces. Concerns about the incident with Courier Vasili are perfectly appropriate, and something that CEO Sulfon and myself are keenly interested in settling with members of the Horde. If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours in Service,

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
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100 Tauren Shaman
Red Earth sighed. She always hated writing letters. Especially ones such as these.

To the AAMS,

For years I have known the AAMS to maintain their neutrality and their confidentiality and it is because of this that I have never shied away from using their services when needed. So when word of this matter concerning one of your couriers in the Barrens battles and the following accusations reached me, I became deeply concerned.

While I am sure your public statements will reassure many that they can still be confident that the AAMS holds true to the neutrality which is paramount to their business, I think it is becoming obvious that I have a fiery, young heart or two that cannot be quelled by a simple piece of paper. I wish to meet with this accused courier, her name being Vasilia, I believe, and hear from her myself what transpired that night. One or two others will be accompanying me as well so they too can hear her words. Translation would be necessary, of course. If this can be arranged, and as quickly as possible, then it would be greatly appreciated.

It is of utmost importance to me, in these trying times which have led us to warfare upon the Barrens, that the Ishnu Por Ah retain its honor and that we clearly define who our enemies and targets are and give due respect to those who are not.

Earthmother guide you,

Red Earth of the Blackhide
Matriarch of the Ishnu Por Ah
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To whom it may concern,

I have been instructed by the board members of the AAMS, both Horde and Alliance side that I am not required to make a statement, but feel compelled to do so irregardless.

As such, I have the following the statement to make.

Prior to arriving in the Barrens I was in the Neutral City of Ratchet, at an AAMS sponsored event. Also in attendance was Mr. Sulfon, the AAMS CEO.

I had a letter to deliver and the individual was in the Barrens. I informed Mr. Sulfon that I was heading south, into the Barrens to make the delivery. The topic of the Barrens had been discussed recently within the AAMS. Not the Barrens directly, but the capacity in which the AAMS might be needed to translate because of actions in the Barrens.

I arrived at Fort Triumph there were a number of injured people. I did what I could to aid in their injuries just as the Horde army reached the Alliance gates. Using only healing and defensive spells I did what I could to assist the injured and defend myself.

When the Horde Army withdrew the Alliance army regrouped and launch their attack. I waited in Fort Triumph until after the Alliance army had left and decided to follow them into Horde territory only in the hopes of finding someone from the Horde side AAMS who I could translate with; suspecting they might be in the area from our earlier conversations in Ratchet.

Unfortunately I got too close to the battle and soon found that I was having to defend myself. In doing so, a number of wounded Alliance soldiers sought refuge near me and I did what I could to ease their suffering. By this time, the Alliance army was on the move further into the fort. Fearing that I would left alone in hostile territory I reluctantly followed the army. In doing so, I made sure that its leaders where aware that I needed to maintain the AAMS neutrality policy and would not be actively attacking; and thus would only defend myself and those that were wounded around me until I could disengage and return to safety.

I did my best to disengage as early as possible and did in fact return to the Alliance Fort before the alliance stopped their attack. With the Alliance forces returning, I ventured out, alone, to the Horde base were I met with the Horde Army at their gates. I took no offensive actions and attempted to translate with them. Seeing no member of the Horde AAMS in their ranks, or in the fort, I withdrew.

While withdrawing, I encountered the Alliance Army returning to the Horde Fort under a flag of truce to pay their respects to the Horde Army as brother's in arms. I accompanied this procession in case they needed translating services. The Alliance army stood at the gates of the Horde Fort, saluted them and withdrew, as did I.

I regret if any actions that I took were in violation of the AAMS neutrality policy, a policy that I firmly believe in. I also find the accusations that I attacked and killed numerous guards and members of the Horde Army very disputable. As a priest, I am still in training and obviously lack said training and experience to inflict any damage on the highly trained horde Militia or fort guards. Additionally, in the heat of battle any spells or actions I may have inadvertently used to cause harm to any members of the Horde was done so in an attempt to defend myself and deter their attacks so I could withdraw, which I did the moment I was able to do so.

In regards to my current capacity with the AAMS, I can personally divulge that I have been fined a two month's pay, demoted in rank, placed on restricted duties, have been bared from traveling in any Horde lands under the AAMS banner, and am no longer permitted to handle any incoming or outgoing mail regarding the Horde, pending the outcome of this investigation.

I have also offered the AAMS my resignation should I be found in violation of AAMS policy or the AAMS feel that my services are no longer required.

Sincerely and Regretfully,
Vasila Starfallen
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Redearth of Ishnu Por Ah
FROM: Andelia Windtouched, AAMS Horde Branch


I think your suggestion a very good one, and will make arrangements with Courier Vasilia and a translator from our side. I might go so far as to suggest that matters in the South Barrens have progressed to the point that further arbitration might be of value. We obviously cannot sway the governments of the Horde and the Alliance themselves, but it may be that we can yet construct a plan for the land that allows both factions to exist peacefully outside the guarded walls of settlements.

That may, of course, be a discussion for another day -- though on that day, the Ishnu Por Ah's input would be greatly valued, as long-standing stewards of the earth and the Barrens in particular. At present we are perfectly happy to arrange for private discussions with both branches of the AAMS.

Yours in Service,

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Alliance Branch
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85 Tauren Paladin
To; Miss Vasila and I suppose a lesser extent Miss Andelia

I think my biggest concern here was your role as a battle medic in this circumstance. As I myself wield An'she's blessing to maintain the health of those fighting, I realize it's importance. As such, seeing you in the middle of Desolation Hold, helping the attacking alliance forces raid the place, I hope you can see where this may look a bit sketchy to someone. My temper may have gotten the better of me today, and with the permission of Red and Ms. Windtouched I would like to be present if said meeting takes place. I of course will mind my manners if invited to this meeting.

Onto a more personal Tangent. Miss Vasila....
I, better then you might think understand the want to be neutral in these trying times. But every action has a consequence. It's something all of us have to be wary of on a day to day basis. The lone hurt orc I find while wandering Uldum, If I heal him and restore his health, he could go on to being a twilight cultist. The attacking force you heal, goes on to kill several guards before being routed out of our base? The families lost, the emotional scaring done to the already disheveled children of the barrens. I may have over reacted, but after losing Turajo not too long ago, emotions run high. This is war, until a solution is met. I hope you don't take my words as a personal attack on you, nor your motives. Just expressing how I feel on seeing a supposed neutral party in with a band of raiders.

The days events have burdened my thoughts, and I will retire for now.
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Ms. Lithune,

I am coming to understand that every action, my actions, have re-actions that I am not aware of on a scale and scope that I may not fully understand; like ripples flowing out from a lone rain drop in a quiet pond.

My intentions on that day were attempt to open negotiations to avoid the bloodshed, not participate in it. Perhaps I was too eager in carrying out this task and did not realize the ripple effect I was causing by being present. I assure you, and the other members of the Horde, that it was not my intention to aid in the attack, or in any attack; but only to survive long enough to return to neutral territory once I become embroiled and surrounded by it the clashing if steel and volleys of spells, shot and arrows.

I see the errors associated with the events that took place that night and will pray to the Light for the souls of those I inadvertently, unknowingly and unwantedly may have caused harm too.

If the AAMS board members see fit to terminate my employment with the company I will accept their decision and turn in my uniform and badge.

Some within the Alliance are not impressed with the actions and events at Turajo and it saddens me to see Turajo in its current state; it is, after all, the birthplace of the AAMS over a decade ago.

I am willing and available for any kind of meeting that you wish to have with myself, in person and wish to take the opportunity at such a meeting to express my sincerity and regret for the days events in question.

Sincerely and Respectfully,
Vasilia Starfallen
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90 Human Death Knight
Rillik sat silent, staring in disbelief at the various memos posted on the wall of the AAMS office. It had been a few days since he had reported for duty, and with the apparent flurry of activity he decided that it would be quite some time before he was away from the office for that long again. He knew Ms. Starfallen, and he knew that she would never break the stance of neutrality that the AAMS demanded of its representatives unless her life was threatened.

Sighing heavily, and not at all looking forward to the possible outcomes of this "meeting", Rillik checked his gear. He would be there for his mentor, regardless of her likely contention that his presence would not be required, and he needed to make sure that his battle-ready uniform was in good condition. He hoped the precautions would prove completely unnecessary.

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100 Tauren Shaman
Andelia Windtouched,

My concern at this moment is to preserve the integrity of the AAMS as well as the Ishnu Por Ah, and make sure that there is a clear understanding between our two institutions as to what is occurring in the Barrens to insure the safety of your couriers, no matter what their race.

I can be in attendance tomorrow at the tavern in Ratchet hosted by your Sulfon. If that is a convenient time and place for those interested to join me and whoever I think should be there to discuss the matter, then we can meet there and find a nearby place to have our discussion. If that is not a convenient time for you, then let me know of a more convenient evening of your choosing.

As for constructing a plan for peaceful coexistence upon the Barrens, it is my opinion that when someone, no matter what their faction, thinks they can force themselves onto our lands, attack our people and build whatever they want without a care for those who live there, there can be no peace until they concede to withdraw their invasion. Until that is understood, the need for such arbitration is unnecessary.

Earthmother guide you
Red Earth of the Blackhide
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85 Human Paladin
Dear AAMS,

I hear apologies and excuses are being given out for Lady Vasilia actions at the Barrens a few days prior.

I wish to know when the Alliance is going to get it's apology. I clearly remember Senior AAMS member and founder Plainswander riling up an army and ransacking Menethil Harbor a few years ago when he took exception to a list of people placed on a Wanted for Crimes Against the Alliance list.

To be honest. I jest. I do not expect an apology. The Alliance have no victim mentality, and simply see these actions as the result of a war we are waging. We would never fault someone for wanting to defend themselves, but I guess the horde would.

Lady Vasilia happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and bows and blades were drawn on her as much as they were the Alliance defenders. When we were able to get sufficient reinforcements to the Forward Command we placed her under our protection and she in kind aided us. Seems like a clear cut case of self defense.

Please do not issue an apology, there should never be one for defending one's own life.

Thank you for your time and Light be with you.

-Ehlina Vargas
High Guard of Pillar of Honor, retired Knight-Captain of the Alliance Forces.

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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
To the AAMS,

I am not questioning the merit of defending oneself. There is no doubt that had she simply defended herself at the Alliance 'base' in the Barrens, that I'd drop the matter without a second thought. However, your 'neutral' stance requires that you remain exactly so. Neutral.

Neutrality is not throwing oneself into an Alliance war party, whose clear intention is vengeance. Neutrality is not healing one side of a war while on the front lines, and expecting not to be targeted because you hide behind a tabard.

The neutral thing to do would've been to stay behind and heal the wounded, of both, or one side, outside of the fray. Had she stayed behind and done the work of an inexperienced medic, as she so claims to be, we would not have this problem.

There is, however, a problem with a medic throwing themselves into a fray, and taking one side. That is not neutral. And that is the problem. Experienced or not, she took a clear choice, and it was not one of neutrality. You cannot claim self defense when you consciously put yourself into danger, into the fray. It was not self defense when she entered a Horde base, and assisted in an assault against the Horde. That is not self defense. She came to our doorstep, and assisted in the Alliance's assault.

I'm not questioning the Alliance's assault. It was vengeance for what we had done, which was to strike against them. However, when I murder, when I kill, when I make an act of war, I do not lie about it. Have the same courtesy.

Do not expect the Horde to honor your 'neutral' stance, when you can't honor it yourself.


Arothand Lightsworn, of the Razortalons.
Edited by Arothand on 3/27/2011 11:34 PM PDT
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85 Human Paladin
Dear Mr Lightsworn,

I am simply wondering where was this Horde outrage at the lack of neutrality during the time they were assisting your people in the leveling of Menethil Harbor?


E. Vargas.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
TO: Ehlina Vargas
FROM: Aeldgyth Whistlespark


I have to admit that you had me at a disadvantage for a moment. Plainswander's tenure with the AAMS far predates my own -- even the founding of the Alliance Branch as a formal office! -- and I had to do a good bit of digging.

I was happy to find that he resigned at about the time of the attacks you mention. I can't speak one way or the other regarding the list of criminals issued -- we helped distribute it, it seems, but beyond that there's no official record of company involvement. I'd actually be interested in learning more about Plainswander's personal involvement at the time, if you had a chance to sit and chat a bit. So much of our organization's history is just that to me, history.

In short summary, my understanding is that the AAMS has never altered its policy of non-violent neutrality. Plainswander may have gone off on his own to attack the Alliance while still employed with the AAMS, but his resignation followed shortly. If apologies never came from the Horde Branch at the time, I would guess that it was because he largely constituted the entirety of the then-AAMS. Consider them tardily rendered!

That said, Courier Vasilia's actions are a far cry from deliberate war on anybody. I appreciate your protection of her -- though I wish you had simply sent her back home when she landed amidst fighting. I hope we can move from this matter into more important issues quickly, though obviously a few malcontents with long-standing opposition to our work will continue to try to make much of it.

Cooler heads will prevail. Mine barely even makes it to room temperature these days, when it comes to that. Do try to send my couriers back to me without dragging them to the front lines when you get the chance, though, eh? I hate writing all these memos.


Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance Branch
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Arothand Lightsworn, Razortalons.
FROM: Andelia Windtouched, AAMS


As stated, the AAMS position on neutrality remains unchanged. Courier Vasilia's presence and involvement in combat was an error made from bad timing and inexperience, not malice directed toward the Horde. Attempts to portray it otherwise are at the very least imaginative, if not deliberately slanderous.

No one expects the long-standing neutrality of the AAMS to prevent anyone who finds us in combat behaving as they feel appropriate. The tabard has historically granted a certain degree of leniency insofar as travel in contested lands goes, but none of us would expect it to render any sort of diplomatic immunity from crimes of violence. Fortunately, the matter rarely arises.

It is not lying to say that Courier Vasilia erred out of fear and inexperience, and regrets the results of that error. Nor is it lying to say that her goals remain unchanged: peaceful, neutral arbitration between the factions. We are not in the habit of crucifying junior officers for their first error, even when it inconveniences the management.

If you have suggestions as to ways Courier Vasilia or the AAMS in general might aid in reparations, please feel free to direct them to either of our Branch Offices. CEO Sulfon, Alliance Branch Manager Aeldgyth Whistlespark, and the rest of our management are happy to help members of the Horde and the Alliance reach an appropriate settlement on this matter.

Yours in Service,
Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
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TO: Red Earth of the Blackhide
FROM: Vasilia Starfallen

I have received notice that you plan on being in attendance at the AAMS tavern this evening in Ratchet to discuss this matter. Out of courtesy and respect for the yourself and the AAMS Executive, I will make myself available for questioning during the evening. However, I will not be available until around 7:00pm, Kalimdor Standard Time (KST).

My only concern is that Ratchet, while a neutral city, is still located within the Barrens and in close proximity to both The Cross Roads and Orgrimmar itself. While I have no reason to not trust you at your word to meet in a neutral location, I can not dismiss the numerous threats I have received against myself and other AAMS couriers originating from members of the Horde.

There is also the fact that one of the conditions of my suspension restricts my travel to Alliance Territories. I will have to check with the AAMS Executive members to ensure that by being present in Ratchet I am not violating those conditions. I believe I am in enough trouble as it is and do not wish to further complicate my situation.

I have also been told that there are a few members of the Alliance forces that were present at the event in question that are also available to confirm my defensive actions and witness to the fact that I mentioned the AAMS Neutrality Policy on numerous occasions during the conflict and that I would only heal myself until safe passage could be obtained off of the battle field.

It would seem the members of the Horde are more concerned with my actions in providing aid to Alliance Forces, than in self defense. I have spent many hours in prayer and meditation during my suspension and I can only now speculate that the raging battle around me, my devotion to the Light and Healing, feeling indebted to those giving their life to defend me until I could escape, coupled with my inexperience and the basic instincts of self preservation and humanitarianism momentarily overcame my sense of duty to the AAMS neutrality policy.

While that does not excuse my actions, perhaps it may also shed some addition light upon them; and bring into question the larger question of attempting to separate and define the roles of Religion, State, Military and Corporate expectations.

Sincerely and Regretfully,
Vasilia Starfallen
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88 Gnome Death Knight
TO: Courier Vasilia Starfallen
FROM: Branch Manager Aeldgyth Whistlespark


In light of Redearth's specific request I have no qualms authorizing you to join us at the tavern in Ratchet this evening for a translated exchange. Keep to the confines of the goblin city and travel by neutral carrier or private portal rather than crossing any Horde lands, and there should be no troubles.

I'll have a Horde translator sent to smooth things along for you. We'll look to have her there shortly before 7:00 KST.

Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance Branch
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Redearth, Ishnu Por Ah
FROM: Andelia, AAMS
RE: Meeting with Courier Vasilia


Courier Vasilia is able to meet at the tavern in Ratchet this evening, if 7:00 in the evening is convenient for you. I would be happy to accompany you as the Horde-side translator, or else assign another representative of the Horde Branch. I do request that we remain within the confines of Ratchet, as Courier Vasilia is under instructions to avoid Horde lands until further notice. We feel comfortable in our arrangements with the Steamwheedle Cartel enforcers, and see no risk in a meeting under their auspices.

Yours in Service,

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
A return letter to both the AAMS and E. Vargas,

The fact that you're suggesting reparations is reassuring. However, as Ms. Vargas here is rather eager to point out, this is not the first time this has happened, for either of your branches.

Perhaps it's time for a policy change, or maybe courier Vasilia should simply follow the protocol Plainswander seems to have established.


Arothand Lightsworn
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Aye was not at tha battle in question but aye like ta be a testify'n on behalf o' Big Blue if need be; thou, I can'not be a mak'n it to Ratchet this even'n. Family matters an' all.

She be a dependable courier an' always be a gett'n me wha' aye be a order'n. Tha lass be a tell'n me tha' she done complete'd nearly two hundred deliveries between tha Alliance an' tha Horde, in tha last two months alone, all without incident. Many o' those deliveries be fer me and maw company. Some maybe even fer the likes of some of ye all. Ever think o' that?

Lead'n tha attack on tha harbour city of Menethil as it is reported that Mr. Plainswander had done, hardly be tha same as be'n in tha wrong spot at tha wrong time an' trying to do wha' she thought best an' would be a keep'n herself alive.

Tis call'd premeditation. Big Blue be a look'n fer someone to translate with ta stop ye all from widow'n yer own wives an' orphan'n yer own kids and be a gett'n caught up in the fight'n with no means ta escape. An' ye be want'n to persecute her? String her up?

If ye be a look'n for reparations, than McFlinty Textiles be a will'n to throw some gold yer way ta shut yer jabber'n if it be a mak'n ya feel any better. Gold invested wisely, as fer as aye be concerned. Big Blue an' tha AAMS be good people ta deal business with. Aye wouldn't have it any other way.

Ye all be a lucky these folks even be attempt'n to help negotiations. They could jus' sit back and let ye have at each'other. No skin off thare arsess, aye'm sure; safer too!
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