AAMS Presence at Barrens Attack

100 Tauren Shaman
Andelia Windtouched,

Though in the Barrens, Ratchet and the AAMS tavern are considered neutral territory and well north of the area of contention. It is why I have chosen to meet there. We will not be wandering out of the town's borders during our conversation.

I look forward to meeting with you all. I will arrive there around 7 bells this evening.

Wind at your back,

Red Earth of the Blackhide
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100 Tauren Shaman
To any and all that it may concern,

As has come to the attention of many, I, Red Earth of the Blackhide, asked to meet with one Vasilia of the AAMS to discuss a situation in the Barrens where this courier found herself in the middle of a battle in the Southern Barrens. I am grateful to the AAMS for permitting me the time to speak with Vasilia. It shows that despite the adversities, they still maintain a want for open communication and understanding.

Last night showed me that some people were expecting either a fight or an apology from the AAMS to come out of this. To the uninvited Alliance and Horde who showed up to the meet and forced us to move our location so that we might have privacy, I wish I could say I am sorry to disappoint your angry hearts. But a fight was not the intention and if that was what you expected then you had come to the wrong place. I thank the members of the Horde for understanding this and staying at the tavern last night. I thank the AAMS for allowing us to bring those who we allowed, and I thank those with us for doing their best to maintain their civility.

I wish to make it clear, the meeting was simply to talk. And it was not an apology I sought. Unlike for many, a simple piece of paper is sometimes not enough for me to understand. I find more truth from the words as they slip from a person’s tongue and the sincerity that shows in their eyes. I wished to hear from Vasilia herself what had transpired that night. It is not the easiest to do with language barriers and angry hearts in the way. But such was accomplished and I honor all those who allowed this conversation to happen.

I can only hope that the civility maintained between the AAMS and myself shows as an example. That there is a time and place for talk just as much as there is a time and place for war. And that sometimes we must forgive those who cannot tell the difference. I believe it has been made clear to at least all who attended that each person needs to be aware of the consequences of their words and deeds. And also that mistakes happen, the price of which is sometimes a costly one. The members of the AAMS attending last night have been awakened to the issues which their presence can cause and I hope that they share such knowledge with the rest of their membership. And the Ishnu Por Ah has been made aware that the AAMS have never been our enemy and that a peaceful relationship between the two groups will continue barring any clear evidence on either side to the contrary.

I am well aware that this is more than likely one of the first of many misunderstandings in which I may find it necessary to step in and resolve due to the actions of war which I have elicited under the name of the Ishnu Por Ah. And aware that what we do affects the lives of many and not always in the most agreeable fashion. I have also come to the understanding that it is more necessary now to be more forthcoming of my own words, even through a piece of paper, to bring a clearer understanding of our expectations so that those who hear or see them can make a more informed decision as to whether they wish to support us or go against us. As always, any who wish to speak with me face to face, no matter what their nation, are welcome to do so. My ‘door’, as they say, is always open. We may not come to an agreement but at least, it is my hope, that there will be understanding. Words can be as strong as deeds, and like deeds they need to be used openly, honestly, and wisely.

Earthmother guide you
Red Earth of the Blackhide
Matriarch of the Ishnu Por Ah
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Ta sum up red's wordiness....

Kodoflop happens. We ain't holdin no hard feelins against the AAMS. Meetin was good, thanks fer waiting ta fight till we got outside Ratchet.

An' on that note, ow, mah face, Duessel got one big fist on him. But know this y'all, we ain't stopping, and this ain't open ta treaty. Don't matter how many times ya put us down, we gittin right back up agin.

Now, y'all pardon me, ah gotter track me down a medic and a nice long nap.

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90 Human Death Knight
TO: AAMS Management, Alliance and Horde Branches
CC: AAMS Couriers, AAMS Support Staff
FROM: Rillik Verogoth, AAMS Alliance Branch Courier
SUBJECT: Incident Report; Meeting with Ishnu Por Ah representatives

PREFACE: This past Monday evening, at approximately 7 PM KST, representatives of Ishnu Por Ah met with Ms. Vasilia Starfallen in Ratchet to discuss recent events in the Southern Barrens.

INCIDENT: Initially this meeting was intended to be semi-private. However, members of both the Alliance and Horde not directly involved with the meeting were also in attendance, complicating the security of all concerned. After much posturing and chest-thumping, the decision was made to move the meeting to a safer, less populated locale. To ensure the continued usefulness of this locale for future needs, I will include its exact location in a private correspondence to upper management seperate of this report.

The meeting then proceeded with a decent modicum of civility. Only once did an AAMS employee have to ask that potetially hostile spellcasting be ceased.

Ms. Red Earth of the IPA questioned Ms. Starfallen regarding her intentions in the Barrens, and seemed content to accept Ms. Starfallen's testimony as the truth.

There was a bit of concern when another representative of IPA, one Ms. Lithune, approached Ms. Starfallen with the apparent intention of violence. However, Mr. Cyrus Sagewind had discerned our location and arrived in time to intevene on Ms. Starfallen's behalf. Fortunately, both Ms. Lithune and Mr. Sagewind maintained a non-violent position, and the meeting concluded without incident.

Ms. Red Earth indicated that it is her intention to maintain the peaceful accord that has existed between the IPA and the AAMS. She did suggest that in future endeavors within the Barrens that AAMS employees readily display their tabard and colors, to prevent any mistaken identities.

SUGGESTED COURSE OF ACTION: Since the meeting concluded non-violently, and Ms. Red Earth indicates that she would prefer that the relations between the IPA and AAMS maintain at status quo, it is the suggestion of this writer that business be resumed with standard operating procedures. However, an elevated level of awareness and empathy for the varied forces within the Barrens is highly recommended, lest another incident similar to this occur. If it is decided that Ms. Starfallen's suspension is to be lifted, it is recommended that she be encouraged to coordinate with other couriers to complete any deliveries in the region, to ensure that any possible latent hostility levelled at her is not given the opportunity to escalate.

Rillik Verogoth
AAMS:AB Courier


It has come to my attention that following the official conclusion of the meeting, there was further incident in Ratchet. While I was not present for the bulk of this, eyewitnesses indicate that there was, in fact, martial action taken upon Ms. Starfallen's return to Ratchet. I feel it necessary to reiterate my recommendation that Ms. Starfallen NOT undertake any deliveries in the region of the Barrens, until the overall situation can be monitored and the security of Ms. Starfallen and other AAMS couriers be assessed.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Redearth of Ishnu Por Ah
FROM: Andelia of AAMS


I apologize for departing abruptly last night. Oskor called for me urgently on the hearthstone, though I returned to Ratchet too late to stop fighting between various non-AAMS parties. It may be for the best, however, as Ehlina Vargas did arrive later, and likely would have caused further bloodshed if we had not been present to translate for her.

With that said, much of our conversation remains on my mind. The AAMS has our own hopes for peace in the Barrens, and in Ashenvale and other contested territories as well. Your declaration of hostilities on the part of the Ishnu Por Ah is noted, and we will continue to repeat it for the Alliance public, but I do hope that you will consider participating in our peace efforts when we launch them as well.

I would be interested in discussing our plans with you further, if you have the time and interest. Whether we speak of that or not, I remain grateful for your patience last evening, and for your reaffirmation of the neutral stance held by the AAMS. Cooler heads may yet prevail, if our gods smile on us both.

If there is anything I can do for you or yours please do not hesitate to contact me personally. I will see to it that the AAMS aids you to the best of our abilities.

Yours in Service,

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
Edited by Andelia on 3/29/2011 2:25 PM PDT
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