Anyone else doing vanilla/BC rep grinds?

I've been working on some of the old world and BC reps here and there. I'm wondering if anyone else is grinding these right now, as well. It's horribly boring and would be nice to pair up with someone. Let me know if you're also doing this and would like some company =D

Also, if there is some group of people out there who regularly goes on older raids for achievements, I'd love to go. Feel free to look me up if you need some dps!
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74 Draenei Priest
/sigh I just turned in my last twilight texts for Cenarion Circle exalted.
A 85 mage would have made it soooooo much faster.......shoot
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85 Draenei Paladin
If you'd like, I can keep an eye out for you the next time I grab guildmates for a quick MC run. I try to do at least the one a week on my main [Hiccup], sometimes I'll go through a second time for Lia here. Still trying for exalted on my main, the eye off Rags, and the second binding for a guildmate, so I'll probably be doing it for awhile. Haha.

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85 Human Warlock
I am working on a few of the reps myself. MOstly old world, but have no issues stepping into BC heroics for rep.
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I'd love to do MC with you guys. I just care about the rep really, so any items you need are all yours.

Maraciana, I still need quite a few of the old world reps myself, so I'm more than willing to go with you.

Really, anytime you guys are doing something look me up. Lately, achievements have become my main focus (er... obsession, I should say). And unfortunately, my guild mates aren't as interested in doing the old world, boring grinds as I am :( Please add me to your friend lists and keep me in mind =D

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85 Gnome Mage
04/01/2011 09:03 AMPosted by Aaelia
If you'd like, I can keep an eye out for you the next time I grab guildmates for a quick MC run.

It's a tarp!! Next thing you know she'll be spamming you with links to Short Circuit, Princess Bride and weird anime ....

*breaks down into sobs*

<3 Hiccup
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85 Draenei Paladin
04/01/2011 02:23 PMPosted by Nozz
Next thing you know she'll be spamming you with links to Short Circuit, Princess Bride and weird anime ....

You know you love it Nozz >_____>
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Some now primarily BC.
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But who doesn't love Short Circuit and Princess Bride? XD
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85 Human Warlock
Your mother was a snowblower....

As you wish...

It could work
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85 Human Warlock
When the servers come up. I will gladly put a MC run together and AQ 40 run as well.... I need fiery cores for Thorium rep
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