To the AAMS and Its Customers

6 Goblin Rogue
*The following letter is posted in all the public places, and, mysteriously, a copy arrives addressed to each individual involved in the previous AAMSgate correspondance.*

To our Distinguished Colleagues of the AAMS, as well as any future customers of Payload, Inc.,

Seems we got a situation brewing here, one that would’a been completely avoided by sticking to a few standard business practices. Read up, AAMSies, 'cause next time, the advice ain't coming free.

1. Confidentiality

Now, this is something we pride ourselves on, here at Payload, Inc. Means we keep our clients' business secret. Youse wants a job done, it'll be between *you* an' *us.* Want a letter delivered? We'll get it there straightaway, and we *won't* go posting it around for everyone to see. That's just poor business practice, no matter which way yah look at it.

The only “Full Disclosure” we practice at Payload, Inc. is me fully disclosing the fact that no one’s gonna see your letters, unless you tell us you want them to.

2. "Neutrality"
The only way yah can claim true neutrality's by, well, y'knows, being *neutral.* Don' mean youse guys can hide behind a tabard and then go on and do whatever ya wants. 's the problem with neutrality, see? Keeps yah tip-toeing around tryin'a keep everyone happy, don' it?

Here at Payload, Inc., we don' promise anything as intangible as "neutrality." We keeps things simple. Yah make me a better offer then the other guy, I'm doing yer job firs'.
Will we work with both the Horde and the Alliance? Depends on how much the humans or elves or whatever’s paying us.

3. Employee Accountability
All Payload, Inc. employees know what’ll happen if they was to break any of our policies. That’s why they don’t do it.

See, we’ve developed a truly proactive discipline policy to root out any potential employee problems. We, the management, don’t do anything if we find out someone’s breaking the rules. We gots people who do that for us, see? And when our people address an issue, there won’ be another one.


Now, the important part. Payload, Inc. realizes that our colleagues in the AAMS might just have bitten off a little more than they can chew. We understand that, in a tryin’ time, sometimes the most important thing a organization can do is to step back, take things easy, and make a commitment—ta themselves, as well as the Public. A commitment of self-evaluation, reorganization, and reimplementation.

In order to fully assist the AAMS in this time of need, Payload, Inc. would like to make the following offer to anyone in need of our services. Provide us with a quoted price from the AAMS, an’ we’ll do the job, 20% off.

We look forward to hearin’ from any interested customers.

Forever at yer service,

Kaja’Cola Exports
Payload, Inc.
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Aye, twenty parcent off be mighty tempt'n. Would mean more gold in me pocket at tha end of tha day, which surely is an offer that can't be ignored...

My pappy, Light bless his soul, had some advice fer me when aye decided to go inta business fer meself. "Wendel, me boy" he said, "All those Gobos want is ta take yer gold. They be a making all sorts o' promises and deals that be a sound'n too good ta be true ta get it. Tis what they do, tis in thar blood. Aye wouldn't be a trust'n 'em as far as ye could be a throw'n 'em."

Leave it ta a Gobo ta take advantage of a war to line thar own pockets. Aye wouldn't be surprised if they be a sow'n the seeds o' discontent against the AAMS on purpose ta try and improve thar own bottom line.

So, if ye don't be a mind'n, McFlinty Textiles will be a stick'n with tha courier service we already have. The Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service. Twenty parcent off or not, they still be a getting me business an' deliver'n me goods just as they always have.
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl read the flyer and then frowned. "So, the goblin that is stirring up the stink against Vasilia is now showing his true colors."

Gentyl wandered off to write a letter to Payload. She would pay AAMS to deliver it in person
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
The Death Knight can't help but cackle upon seeing the letter, grinning widely and chomping hard on his cigar. Rubbing his chin a bit, he scans over the letter once more, chuckling to himself.

"Goblins. 'Orrible lil' creatures. Still. Funny as hell. An' maybe, maybe..." Arothand furrows his brow, nodding. "Th' AAMS clearly doesn't give a rat's ass 'bout breakin' their own 'neutrality' codes. Maybe they'll listen t' a loss of profits, instead." Grabbing a copy of the letter, he stuffs it into his satchel, murmuring to himself. "Payload Inc, Payload Inc... gotta remember tha' name..."
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34 Goblin Warlock

I bin on VACATION! Ain't a fella allowed ta take a vacation every now an' then? Sheesh. Watta bunch a yahoos youse all is. I go away fer A FEW WEEKS, and youse gits all thinkin I ain't around no more.

Buncha mooks, I'm sayin.

What, what you want? You want me ta get all up in ya junk? All up in ya BUSINESS??? iz dat what you wants? Is it? Is it REALLY?

Cause me an' Spikey here, we kin do dat for yas...really, it ain't no thing.

Just contact da Payload Inc., and We'll Mess Up Yo Junk.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
TO: Payload, Inc. Head Office
FROM: AAMS Horde Branch

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I thought it timely to forward a polite reminder that the AAMS is a private, charitable organization. We occasionally recoup enough from delivery fees to cover costs, and private donors have been generous with tips; for the most part we fund the rest of our efforts from our own profits. I have the good fortune to do modestly well on the trade houses, but the money does not come from AAMS fees or charges.

Attempting to undercharge us will be a very frustrating venture. As I've offered multiple times, the AAMS would be happy to forward clients to Payload, Inc. to help your venture off the ground. We're thrilled to see another communications company on the market.

Please let me know if there's any particular services you plan to focus on. The AAMS will refer customers to your company for those areas.

As a closing note, would you like to lease use of the AAMS print shop? We're quite familiar with formatting and design, and could help you with further circulars like the recent public message regarding our business.

Yours in Service,

Andelia Windtouched
Communications Officer, AAMS Horde Branch
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34 Goblin Warlock

condescendingsuperciliousarrogantduplicitioustwotimingSCHMUCKS! ....."

The goblin muttered under his breath as he read the letter. The more he read, the angrier he got, until smoke was coming out his eyes, and his eyes were glowing a rather fetching shade of springtime green.


Bystanders were now actively avoiding the diminutive green figure as it stomped towards the offices of Payload Inc.

"ooooooohhh...the NOIVE of them mooks..."

The door to Payload slammed shut, but not before the words "Spikey! fetch me my bombs and wrapping paper! It's MAIL time!" were heard floating out of the office, like a delicate summer breeze off the swamps.....
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