WTB Recipe: Thistle Tea

90 Tauren Warrior
This is a Vanilla WoW recipe, NOT the one you can get from the vendor right now.

It is a White(common) recipe and is not Bind on Pick-up.
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It's BoP and so is the tea now.
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90 Tauren Warrior
The one that you can buy from the vendor RIGHT NOW is BoP.

The version of the recipe I am referring to hasn't been available for several years now.
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100 Orc Warrior
From WOWhead
The change to this item was implemented in Patch 1.3, March 2005. It was non-retroactive, meaning existing copies of the recipe were NOT altered - however after Patch 1.3, it was not possible to earn new non-BoP recipes from the quest that had awarded them; existing copies remained in existence. As they were bought, sold, trained, deleted or discarded, they gradually diminished in number. Today they are so rare few players are even aware they ever existed.

The guy that posted this was OCD about collecting and completing, paid 25k gold for it on his paladin.

Edit, poor guy, another post stated:
My main when patch 4.0.3a was released had this recipe, however, it was removed from my Recipes list. I sent a ticket to a GM, and they stated that this was intentional, as they only want the recipe available to Rogues.
That's some unlucky paladin.
Edited by Káhn on 4/3/2011 3:23 PM PDT
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90 Tauren Warrior
The guy that posted this was OCD about collecting and completing.

This is a true statement. All the same for myself as well...
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100 Orc Warrior
Except if you're not a rogue, even if you find it, you won't be able to use it, per patch 4.0.3a
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90 Tauren Warrior
Well, lets assume for a second that I can learn it, if I can't then I'll just resell it. In the meantime I'm still looking to buy it.
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90 Tauren Warrior
04/06/2011 07:14 AMPosted by Sokthuga
Resell it to whom?

After checking on several active forums, this recipe is still learnable by any class, provided you have the correct copy of it, that being the pre 1.3.0 recipe.

This recipe will have no bearing on my Iron Chef Acheivement, I will already earn that without either guild recipes or Thistle Tea. I am simply interested in it due to being Obsessive about having every recipe.
Edited by Thangarth on 4/6/2011 8:10 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Death Knight
I have a copy on Feathermoon.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I have one. But it is not on this server.
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