Thoughts about RP scheduling...

I realized in the initial stages of planning Luna Accord's first event that location might be an issue. As the guild's first event, something generic, simple, and at a location that is easily accessible seems most suitable. However it occurred to me that because of the events not-so-original location, there is a possibility that two parties could try to hold two separate RPs at the same location and time.

Has this ever been an issue for anyone? If so could we benefit from a schedule of some type? Does something like this already exist? Just something to say, "<Cool guys> are hosting a closed event at this location and time." Something to check before accidentally creating a conflicting event. I understand that not everyone would be willing to openly post dates and times for closed events on these forums, as that could potentially become a troll's best friend. It would have to be more personable than that...

I have quite a bit of database development experience and I'd be willing to create, and even host a tool on a private server. Before I do, however, I would like to know if this is anything that anyone could even make use of. If so, you can help by posting ideas to make this tool more useful and secure.

Thanks in advance,
Edited by Gnaea on 3/30/2011 5:35 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I've compiled a list of a few regularly scheduled RP events here:

If you have the tools to make that list more fancy lookin' I'll be more than happy to provide a link there or you can start a new thread, whichever!

As far as events in the same place, the community here is very open to discussing things and I'm sure people won't have issues sharing a spot =]
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When you are ready, also consider cross-posting on the Sisters of Elune forum pages to get the word out:
Edited by Rongar on 3/30/2011 10:13 PM PDT
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