Bad Touch- We're undressing you with our eyes

85 Worgen Druid
Hello there!
Bad Touch (formerly "Irregardless") is now looking for a competent, knowledgeable healer to join our 10 man raid team. Bad Touch is a raid team that operates within the Ævolution guild. Because Ævolution enjoys a "separation of guild and raid", guild membership is not required to join this raid group. I'll say that again because sometimes, people are silly- Ya don't have to leave your current guild to come play with us. We are a team that enjoys pushing ourselves and accomplishing great success while keeping things laid back. Back in WotLK days, we did 10 man ICC drakes and "Bane of the Fallen King" (hooray, validation). For Cataclysm we've taken a little more casual approach, but are currently 10/12 Normal modes, pushing P3 on Nefarian at the moment.

So, we are currently in need of a Resto Shaman or Resto Druid with a heavy preference to the Shaman. We raid Wednesdays, 6-9 Server and Mondays, 5-9 server time. If you aren't afraid of getting rubbed up against by some bad jokes, really bad singing and have the moose shoes to bring the A-game, please follow these instructions:
Head over to and register, using your character's name as your log in name. Then, send a private message to Horste or Micon with the following information:
  • Armory Link.

  • WoL or other parcel service link of your most recent raid.

  • A short explanation of your spec and gearing choices.

  • A short bit about who you are and why you would like to raid with Bad Touch

  • Also, we stream all of our raids live (court ordered), so if you'd like to see what you might be getting yourself in to, or would just like some cheap, dirty entertainment, head over to
    So, thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon.
    Edited by Micon on 3/31/2011 9:07 AM PDT
    Reply Quote
    85 Worgen Warlock
    Bring hot dogs.
    Reply Quote
    90 Tauren Druid
    The druid T11 helm looks ludicrously awesome on a male Worgen.
    Reply Quote
    85 Worgen Druid
    Watch your step, there's a bump here.
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    82 Human Paladin
    Bumping cause Micon and the rest of Bad Touch are all sexy individuals.
    Reply Quote
    90 Human Priest
    They touched me in a good place. Their name is a lie! Also hi everyone good luck on finding a healer wait long enough and my shaman will be 80. :)
    Reply Quote
    85 Worgen Hunter
    Please tell me you meant 85 Espa.

    Hope you guys find some heals soon!
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    85 Human Death Knight
    Bumping for great friends. :)
    Reply Quote
    85 Draenei Priest
    04/03/2011 11:17 AMPosted by Lexxe
    Bumping cause Micon and the rest of Bad Touch are all sexy individuals.

    I agree with this post, and will perform in a similar manner
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